Chapter 27

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Mollie's POV:

The next morning we all gathered our bags and headed down into the limo that was taking us to the airport.

Once we arrived at the airport, we gathered our luggage, took pictures with some fans, got through security and all that, and then arrived at our spot. Some of the boys went on a search for breakfast, while the others just stayed here. We were all tired from the meet and greet last night so we looked great. I pulled out my phone and went on Instagram.

Once everyone came back and our flight started boarding, we were all on the plane off to Chicago.


"Mollieeeee. Molllieeeee. Mooooollll-"

"I'm awake stop poking my nose" I mumble as I slowly open my eyes, adjusting to the light. I turn and see Hayes to my right smiling at my grumpiness. Then to my left Mahogany is looking out the window with headphones in. I look back at Hayes. "What time is it and where are we?"

"It is 7:43am and we are almost landing in Chicago."

"Ughhhh why is it so early in the morninggg?"

"Because it is, plus when we get to the hotel we can sleep in pretty sure, Magcon Chicago Day 1 is tomorrow."

"Okay." I yawn, then lean my head on his shoulder.

"Passengers, please prepare for landing by fastening your seat belts and remain sitting as we arrive at Chicago, Illinois. Thank you."

I lean back and wait for the drop and bumpy landing of the plane, then once we were allowed to exit, I grabbed my belongings and followed Hayes with Mahogany behind me.

After we got settled into our rooms at the hotel (yeah I'm sharing a room with Mahogany), we all slept. Thats right, slept. Because of the late meet and greet and waking up a couple hours later to get on a plane, definitely means catching up on sleep.

*About Five Hours Later*

"Mollie wake upppp!"

"What now?" I say opening one eye slightly, seeing Mahogany dressed up in front of me.

"We're all going out to lunch."

"Oooh food I'm in."

After I got ready wearing a black skater skirt with a white 'Supermarket' crop top, with some knee high socks, (outfit at beginning of chapter or on the side) I brushed my hair and left it how it was (and I have bracelets covering up my scars, yeah) and Mahogany and I headed out with the boys. We found a restaurant and went there, getting a large table in the back, all of us ordering like we haven't eaten in years. When we left the restaurant, a couple fans noticed us so we took pictures with them. And soon we got to the hotel, and it was almost 3:00pm now and everyone wasn't that tired anymore. Some of us decided to just walk or drive around, while me, Mahogany, Hayes, Carter and Aaron decided to go see the Sears/Willis Tower. After paying and the long trip up, it was worth it. The view was breathtaking. Obviously we all were taking pictures to later post on Instagram and share on Twitter. And add it to our snapchat stories. When no one was in the glass box we all got in it and looked down while someone behind us took the photo. After we got down from the millions of flights of stairs (the elevators were too crowded, plus we wouldn't be seen) we sat in the lobby and sent each other the photos of each other and then we posted them. On my Instagram I posted a picture I took from the glass box of the rest of the city and it turned out pretty good. I filtered it before I posted it to match my theme and captioned it "pretty city ♡" then posted it and on Twitter I shared the photo of us in the box, and the original one I posted on Instagram, with "Chicago" and tagged them in the photos. After we had our break, we walked back to the hotel, taking photos here and there, then separated to our rooms, but Hayes came in me and Mahogany's room and Mo went to another room with the boys.

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