Chapter 1

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Hey guys. Here's chapter 1 of Lox's Lil Sister. It's gonna be present time, so I hope you all like it! Mollie Gordy on the side/top!


Mollie's Point Of View:

"Alright guys, see you next Wednesday, love you bye!" I say to my camera. I blow a kiss before putting my hand over the camera and turning it off. I'll edit that later and upload it tomorrow.

I grabbed my phone and tweeted: Just finished filming tomorrow's video!

About a minute later I heard ringing, not phone ringing... my laptop! Skype, it must be Lox. I jump up and open up my laptop to see a picture of me and her. I accepted the video chat and waited for it to load.

"Hey Lox!" I say. Yes I call her by her stage name, she doesn't mind.

"Hey Mol, how's the video coming along?" She asked, she probably saw my tweet.

"Good, I just need to edit it tonight ad upload it tomorrow." I say.

"That's great. I wish I could do more videos but you know it's hard when I'm traveling all the time." She sighs.

"Yeah, I know." I sigh with her. I decide to change the subject. "So how's Magcon Miami?"

"Good, we have one more show tomorrow then off to Magcon Nashville. Then guess what.." she says.

"What?" I ask.

"After Magcon Nashville I'm coming home for a little bit!" She says, smiling.

"Really!? That's great I can't wait to see you." I say.

"Same here. Alright I gotta go, and you have a video to edit, so bye Mol, love and miss you!" she says waving.

"Bye Lox, love and miss you too.." I say before the call ends. I can't wait for her to come home.

I grab my phone and decide to go on Instagram. I plop down on my bed and look through my notifications. Followers, comments, likes, the usual. I need to post a new picture! I sat up and fixed my hair in someway and made sure the little make up I had on looked good. Then I tapped the little camera and got the right angle for the selfie. I did a duck face, with my eyes closed and a peace sign with one hand. After I took it I put a filter on it and added the caption: Just finished filming tomorrow's video and got some good news from the bae @mahoganylox <3. After I finished the caption I posted it and got off Instagram. It's 5:45pm and mom said she will be home at 6:30pm tonight - so I can wait for dinner - , but dad won't be home until 10:30pm. They work in the same building but different jobs. Sunset is at like 7:30pm and it's light out now... so imma go penny boarding. I slipped on some high top white converse and went outside, into the garage and grabbed my teal penny board and headed out front. I put it down and hopped on then pushed off down the road. The evening breeze felt good since it was super hot today. I went all around the neighborhood for like an half an hour then headed back home. By the time my penny board was away and I was home again, it was 6:25pm so mom should be home in like 5 minutes, which is good cause I'm hungry. After dinner I'll edit my video and I'll be good. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs into the living room. I laid on the couch opening up some snapchats and looking through peoples stories. As I was doing that, my mom walked in.

"Hey mom." I say.

"Hi honey." She sighs.

"Everything alright?" I ask.

"Yeah. Just a hard day at work, that's all." She says walking into the kitchen.

"Okay. So are we having dinner..?" I ask, following her to the kitchen and taking a seat at the island.

"Yep. What are you in the mood for?" She asks looking back at me from the sink.

"Spaghetti?" I say.

"Sure. Grab the noodles while I get the rest." she says and I nod. I hop down and go to the pantry and grab a box of string noodles and head back and hand them to my mom at the stove.

"Thanks. You can set the table if you would like." Mom says.

"Okie." I say. I grab 2 bowls, 2 butter knifes, 2 forks, and 2 spoons and bring them to the table. I also grab two napkins and set up the silverware with each bowl. "What would you like to drink?" I call to her from the fridge.

"Ice tea please." She calls. I grab the pitcher of Ice tea and 2 cups. I pour the ice tea in both cups and return the pitcher to the fridge. Soon mom brings the spaghetti over to the table and puts some in both our bowls. I thank her as she takes a seat across from me.

After a few bites of it I say, "Delicious." she thanks me and we finish our meal. After we're done I volunteer to do the dishes so she can get some rest. I put the remaining spaghetti in a container into the fridge and write a note for dad saying: Dad, Leftover dinner in the fridge, it's spaghetti. Enjoy -Mollie <3. I washed the rest of the dishes, grabbed my phone and headed upstairs. I realized it's 7:45pm and I still need to edit my video. I did a Truth or Dare video. I asked everyone to send me some truths and dares on Twitter then I picked some and put them in a snap-back. I sat down at my laptop and connected my camera to it and waited it for load. Once it did, I cropped out some parts and kept the funny ones. I added my signature ending and attached my recent video, did the caption to the video and once it was perfect, it was already 9:23pm. I changed out of my clothes and into my PJ's and climbing into bed and fell asleep almost immediately.



Hey everyone. I hoped you all like the first chapter of L. L. S. (Lox's Lil Sister). Thank you guys for 11 reads and 5 votes on the Prologue already! I wanted to thank my readers from Unpredictable because we got like 200+ reads in a matter of hours. I love you guys so much. Continue to read, vote and comment on my books. And follow me if you want updates on my books.

Thank you guys so much! - I love you all again,


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