Chapter 37

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After telling my mom how school went we got home and I brought my backpack that is heavy as a rock upstairs to my room.

On the way up, Mahogany stopped me, "how was your first day?"

"It was fine, but there's so much work." I say, gesturing to my backpack.

"Yep that sums up high school. If you need any help or advice let me know." She smiles and continues downstairs.

I walk into my room and drop my backpack on the floor, then drop myself on my bed.

'Okay, there are three things I can do right now: sleep, eat, or do homework. I love to eat but I just had lunch an hour ago. Sleeping would be nice but I should probably get all my homework done first.'

So after deciding what to do in my head, I literally dumped out my books into the floor, grabbed a pencil from my desk, and sat on the floor.


"Finally finished!" I sigh after 4 hours of stress, confusion, procrastination, and killing my brain. I went downstairs and everyone was just hanging out.

"We're about to order Chinese food, is that good with you?" Dad asks.

"Yup." I say and sit between Mahogany and Sky on the couch and put my head back.

"How was your homework?" Mahogany asks.

"Horrible. I had a pounding headache the whole time, now it's slowly going away." I say.

"Aww, you should take some Advil." She says.

"I should but whatever. I just want to eat food and sleep."

And that's what I did. After dinner I showered and went to bed.


The next day, I entered English just as the bell was ringing. I sat where I sat yesterday and pulled out everything I needed. I copied down the homework, then started my work. I copied down everything on the board, since it said to take notes and I have no idea what it's about.

"You know you don't need to copy it all down." Someone whispered from next to me.

I looked up and saw a girl with dark brown hair and glasses. "I know I'm supposed to only take notes. But I have no idea what this is about so I need it all."

"It will make more sense after a few days." She whispers.

"I hope so."

I continued my notes and by the time I was done, Mr. Anderson was talking. I tried my best to listen and not doze off.

When the bell rang that dismissed us, I packed up and decided to talk to the girl from earlier. "Hey what's your name? I didn't get the chance to ask earlier."

"Stephanie, but you can call me Steph. And you're Mollie, right?" She asks, as we leave the classroom.

"Yep, I'm Mollie. I have to get to my next class. Bye, Steph." I wave to her and head in the opposite direction of her.

I got to my Spanish class a little late but I honestly don't care.


When it was time for history, I entered the room and I was going to sit where I sat yesterday, but someone called my name. I turned around and saw Steph. She gestured for me to come near her, so I did.

"Mollie, this is my friend Jenna. Jenna, this is Mollie, she's new here." Steph says.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Jenna, the girl next to Steph says.

"You too." I smile.

"Sit here, in front of me." Steph says and I sit at the desk in front of her. At that moment the teacher walks in.

"Alright class get your books out."

At the end of class Steph invited me to sit at her and her friend's lunch table, I accepted. She said her friends are weird but really nice. Yesterday I say with Riley but she didn't say anything or introduce me to her friends so I sat there quietly eating my lunch. Steph and Jenna are going to meet me at my Chemistry room so we can all walk together to lunch.

So when the bell rang, dismissing us for lunch, I told Riley I won't be sitting with her today. Then I packed up and left the classroom, and saw Steph and Jenna waiting at the lockers right by my classroom. I never got a locker, did I?

"Ready to go?" Jenna asks and I nod, and we head to lunch.

We walk to the cafeteria and then once we arrived, got our lunches, then sat a table with 3 boys at it. The three boys just looked at me, confused.

Jenna speaks up, "Boys, this is Mollie, our new friend."

"Hi," I say.

"Mollie, this is Brendon, my boyfriend. He's nice and stuff." She gestured to the boy next to her with brown hair and brown eyes. Then she gestured to another, "This is Jake, he will keep you updated with all the gossip of the school." This one had dirty-blonde hair. "And lastly, this is Lance, he might seem quiet but that's only school. Anywhere else he won't shut up." She gestured to the boy with light brown hair. "So this is all of us. We don't really belong to a certain group, we're the in-between-ers."

"It's nice to meet you all." I smile at them.


Hi luvs! Happy Valentine's Day! So Mollie met new friends, huh? So obviously I didn't start the everyday updates. I realized I can't write that quick. So I'll be starting in March, but I decided to be nice and give you guys a Valentine's Day update. Ily guys so much

What do you think of Mollie's new friends from this lil blurb?

Thank you for 82.2k reads, 2.04k votes, 572 comments! (January 26, 2016)
Now, February 14, we have 83.7k, 2.08k, and 612. That's amazing guys.

bye Hallie shippers,, ((ooh we haven't talked to Hayes in awhile, or have we?))
xo ~BandsAndYoutuberz

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