Chapter 42

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For the rest of the day until 6:15pm, all I did was go on my phone and watch TV (and ate some food), my phone charged the whole time so I was good. Then my mom called me down so we could go. I grabbed money and my phone then followed her to the car to head to the mall. It wasn't to far away and we found it easily. My mom dropped me off and I got a text that Jenna was already here, so we met up and waited for the others. By 6:30 everyone was here and we were walking around.

"So what should we start off with? Food? Shopping?" Brendon asks.

"Food!" I say.

"Yeah food," someone said and everyone else agreed.

We walked into the food court and split up to buy our different foods. Brendon and Jenna are getting Subway, Steph is getting Mexican food, and Jake, Lance and I are getting Chick-Fil-A. We were all awkwardly standing in line, silently.

"So Mollie, what do you think of California so far?" Jake asks me.

"It's really nice, a lot hotter than Michigan but I really like it so far." I say.

"Maybe we could show you around the landmarks and stuff or wherever." Lance suggests.

"Yeah that would be nice."

We talk about random things before we order our food, I got the chick-fil-a nuggets and a lemonade. Lance got a chicken sandwich and fries, which I'll probably be stealing some of them. And Jake got some kind of chicken burger like thing. Once we get our food, we meet Steph, Jenna, and Brendon at our table and start eating. I posted a photo on snapchat of all our food, I honestly don't know why.

By the time we were done eating, it was 7pm so we washed up in the bathrooms then met up and decided where to go.

"Let's go."


The mall was really fun. We shopped a lot. I got a good amount of clothes, makeup, accessories, etc. We walked around almost the whole mall too. I didn't think I'd be a fan of shopping but it was really fun with my friends. We also got a bunch of selfies and pictures, which I'll post tonight or tomorrow.

I was exhausted when I arrived home, I literally went straight into my room. I dropped everything on the floor and grabbed my phone and collapsed on my bed. The group chat was exploding with pictures. I went through them and saved some, that was the last thing I remembered before falling asleep.

The next morning, I woke up and changed out of my clothes from yesterday into some sweatpants and a t-shirt. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and went downstairs.

"Good morning." Mahogany says when I enter the kitchen.

"Morning." I reply back, slumping into a chair.

"How was the mall yesterday?" She asks, sitting across from me.

"It was really fun. I got a lot of new stuff." I say.

"Ooh I'll have to see that stuff later." She says.


For the rest of my Sunday, I did any homework I had to do, I ate food, I relaxed, it was pretty nice. I also posted a photo of all of us from last night on Instagram.

Currently, I'm watching whatever I find on Netflix. This weekend was too short, I don't want to go to school tomorrow and do pointless work. But it's the law, so I have to.

I texted Hayes and waited to see if he replied, deciding wether or not to start a conversation. I miss him so much, I hope he visits LA soon or I visit North Carolina soon. He didn't answer so I went on his Instagram and started stalking him. He posted pictures with Skylynn, some with Nash, with his parents, his friends, he seems to be having lots of fun there. Seeing all these pictures of him made me miss him even more. So I turn off my phone and try to figure out what's going on in the show on my TV.

Hi luvs! I'm back again! Sorry this was pretty short and boring, the next chapters will hopefully be longer & more exciting.

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ily Hallie shippers,,
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