Chapter 29

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"Pmhmedahwn!" I try saying, pounding my fists on the persons back.

"AHHH!" I heard Mahogany yell too. What the hell is going on? Suddenly I was put down on the ground and the person ran and then Mahogany was put down next to me.

"What's going on?" I ask Mahogany standing up. "AND WHERE ARE OUR PENNY BOARDS?!"

"I have no idea and we need to find them!" She stands up and we start running in a direction but we got drenched by a water gun. I look up and see Taylor and Aaron with water guns. Oh hell no. We run the opposite way and get squirted with more water guns by Cam and Matt. Oh my god. We run past them and get shot by nerf guns by Nash and Carter. And then we're trapped by all of them, plus the Jacks and Jacob and Hayes. We got soaked and shot at until they were out of amo, and we couldn't do anything about it. I saw Hayes on my penny board and Jacob on Mo's. I grabbed the penny boards from their feet, making them falling into everyone and me and Mahogany skated away, as fast as we could. We got to the elevator and pressed a random floor and got on out on it. It was like the 4th floor or something. We skated down the hall and around the floor then went back to the elevator and stairs. We started quietly going up the stairs. When we were on the 7th floor we saw someone come out of the elevator. We ducked, and he left the elevator and went down the hall. The elevator was just shutting when we jumped in and went to our floor ran to our door, went in and locked it.

"That. Was. Hell." I say, attempting to catch my breath.

"Yeah." Mo says also catching her breath. "I'm gonna shower and sleep because we still got Magcon tomorrow."

"Okay." She showered and then changed and slept. She wasn't kidding. I showered, then put on PJ's and slept. Those boys.


The next morning...

Magcon San Diego Day 2

Since Magcon starts at three, the boys decided to have a football game outside. I put on a pair of denim shorts and a Starbucks shirt on. I brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun, then I grabbed some sunglasses, my phone and penny board. Mahogany was wearing Taylor's shirt and a pink bandana with denim shorts. I got a text from mom saying her and dad are gonna walk around today before they come to Magcon and I told Mahogany.

There was a knock on the door. I opened the door and it was Jammin. "Hii Jammin." I hug her and she comes in. We all get our things (aka penny boards, phones, etc.) and head downstairs and go outside to where the boys were playing football. The football field was  s u r r o u n d e d  by girls oh my god.

"Hey Mollie, me and Jammin are gonna walk around and catch up, you can come too but I think you'd rather watch your boyfrienddd play football." Mo said. Oh come on. I looked over and saw most of the boys were shirtless. Abs. Abs. Abs. Abs. Oh my gosh Mollie get it together.

"Mahogany you know I'd rather play football then watch them dorks play." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah I don't think that's a good idea considering the fans are watching their every move." She says.

"Yeah, I know. But you guys go. I'll skate around. Bye Mo, bye Jammin." I skate off and just look around at everyone. Fans were everywhere. I found a spot to stand and watch the boys.

After a couple minutes someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and it was Frankie. "Hi!" I hug her. "How'd you find me?"

"I saw the back of your head and the penny board." She laughed.

"Oh yeah." I looked down at the penny board.

"So I'm assuming you were watching Hayes?" She smirks.

"Nah I was watching all of them, paying attention to the score and stuff." I say casually, even though I was sorta watching Hayes more than the others, he is my boyfriend.

"Mmmhmm." Frankie says. "Wanna look around?"


We walk around and end up bumping into Mahogany, Jammin and another girl.

"Well hi there Mahogany and Jammin, who's this?" I smile.

"This is Karina, our new friend." Mo says putting her arm around Karina.

"Nice to meet you Karina."

"You too!" She says.

"And who is your friend?" Jammin asks.

"Oh, this is Frankie, aka the best person ever." I say putting my arm around Frankie.

"Well, do all of you wanna get some lunch before Magcon?" Mahogany asks.

"YES I AM STARVING." I say and everyone laughs. We head out and take pictures with some fans and find a pizza place and eat pizza.

We got back to the hotel and Karina and Frankie were gonna stay together in line and they got in a good part of the line. Then me, Jammin, and Mahogany went inside and got changed for Magcon. I put on a pair of high waisted shorts with studs on them and a plain black crop top. I also grab a blue flannel and put that on. I brushed my hair and left it since it looked fine. I did my makeup and saw that Mahogany was wearing a plain white crop top, a grey sparkly skirt, and a headband with a flower at the front of it. We gathered anything else we needed and went down to Magcon.

Magcon was starting and everyone was here, including mom and dad and all the boys. We walked out one by one, being recorded by some dude. Jacob sang some songs, then Jack & Jack sang their songs, then we all watched a video of Shawn sing Lego House since he wasn't here. Then after the singers, we danced, of course we did the Lip Gloss dance, then Mo played the Nae Nae and Cameron dropped Nash off of his shoulders, it's was hilarious, he was fine. And Hayes, Carter, Willie and I did the Nae Nae dance. Then Mahogany played Take You Down by Chris Brown and Hayes, Cameron and Aaron did this dance thing I don't even know, while Taylor did the grind on me, I don't know what they were doing. And then we just all danced around to the songs Mo played and had fun.


After performing and meeting VIP, there was a meeting for us. This doesn't sound good. We all gathered around the table, me and Mahogany next to each other. Bart and other dudes were here already, quietly talking to each other.

"Since 4 members of Magcon are leaving, less fans are going to come, which means less money, which means this group, you guys, are done with Magcon. I know you all knew, but we made it official." Wait what? I didn't know! No one told me, I only knew Nash,
Cam, Carter and Hayes were leaving. So that means we're all done with Magcon? "There are other events you all can attend, but none of you will no longer be on the Magcon tour. In the future there may be new members of the tour, but as of now, Magcon is done." What. The. Hell. No one told me any of this. I looked around and everyone looked kinda sad. "You all can leave now, that's all." We all went into the hallway and just stood there.

"Hey guys, just because Magcon is over, doesn't mean we're not still a family. Magcon is just a title, we'll still be great friends and hang out and meet fans together. Come on everyone bring it in for one last "Magcon" hug." Nash says. We all walk into a group hug and that was the end of Magcon.


Hey guys I DONT KNOW HOW MAGCON ACTUALLY ENDED FOR THEM SO THIS JUST HAPPENED^ So Magcon is over, now what? What happens to #Hallie ? What about the Gordy's? KEEP READING MY BOOK TO FIND OUT!


By the way you guys know I have 2 other books?

Unpredictable - 1D FanFic
The Boy Next Door - Matt Espinosa FanFic

And I have some draft books I may or may not publish ;)

qotc; comment random ideas you'd like to be in the book, maybe I'll add them in some part :-)

aotc; n o n e l o l

bye Hallie shippers ily♡
;xo -m o l l i e

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