Chapter 20

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'Why did I trust him?'

'Why did he leave me?'

'Why would he kiss her?'

'Why is everything so unclear?'

'Why did he break my heart?'

'Why would he do that?'

'Why her?'


'Why ... me?'


Shawn Mendes' POV:

I was walking around backstage, when I heard... crying?

I tried to follow the noise and soon enough I found a small, broken, girl crying in a corner alone. The girl is the girl I share my birthday with. It's mollie, why is she crying on her birthday? I just walked over to her, crouched down and hugged her.

"I swear. Whatever he did to you, he's gonna pay." Obviously Hayes must of done something to make her cry this much, and he's going to pay.


A couple minutes later the crying stopped, I think she fell asleep. Should I tell Mahogany? I guess. And she is definitely not staying in her room. I slowly get up, carrying her, I walk towards where I saw Mahogany last, but she wasn't there, so I kept walking and bumped into her, waking Mollie up.

"Ooh sorry!"

Mahogany's facial expression immediately changed when she saw Mollie with red puffy eyes and tear stains down her cheeks.

I put Mollie down on the ground. "Oh my gosh. What happened??" Mollie and Mahogany just hugged each other while I explained how I found her crying and I also said what I assumed happened.

"Honey, what did Hayes do?" Mahogany whispered to Mollie.

"He.. he k-kissed.. a-another.. girl.." Mollie stuttered.

I swear that kid is going to pay for what he did. I honestly look at Mollie as a little sister, so my job is to keep her safe.

[A/N guys I love Aaliyah, but she's not in this story sorry just go on now]

"Hayes is going to pay-"

"Shawn.. don't.. just leave him alone.. please."

I sighed, "Alright."

"Thank you.. for everything." she softly smiled.

"You're welcome."

"Alright let's head back to our rooms." Mahogany said. "We got to get your stuff in my room. Shawn want to help, if you're not busy?"


"Let's go."


Soon we had all of Mollie's stuff in Mahogany's room. And she fell asleep on a bed when we were bringing stuff in. Thank god Hayes wasn't in the room at all while we were there. We just got the last of her belongings in and mahogany and I sat on her bed and looked at Mollie. I can't imagine how Mahogany feels to see her broken sister.

Mahogany's POV:

I don't even know what to think. Yeah I've gone through breakups but not as young as 13-14. I never seen her like this, she's normally the Life Of The Party. So happy and bubbly. I never seen her so.. broken. And how could Hayes, kiss another freaking girl, on his girlfriend's birthday!? He's honestly unbelievable. Even if there was a reason. We have a couple days in LA, but no more magcon's so that's good. I'm just disappointed and mad at Hayes, and I feel really bad for my little sister. I mean she's only 14 she shouldn't be suffering a heartbreak. Especially since this was her first one. This wasn't the best birthday, thats for sure.

Mollie's POV:

I woke up. Was it all a dream? Did Hayes really kiss Liv? I looked around. Im in Mahogany's room and so is my stuff. It was real. I look to mahogany who was right next to me.

"How long was I out?"

"4 hours. You missed dinner. I have some in the freezer. It's pizza. I can heat it up too if you want." Mahogany said.

"I'll eat it cold. it doesn't really matter. Thanks." I say. "I'll be right back." I say, going to the bathroom. I close the door and look up. In the mirror I see a broken girl. Not the regular me. Makeup all over my face, puffy eyes, everything. I wash my face, getting all makeup off, then quickly brushed through my hair and left it. I turned around opening the door and mahogany was right there with a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

"Thank you you're the best Mo." I say, close the door and changed out of my uncomfortable dress and put of the clothes she gave me. I went back out threw my dress in the floor and sat on the bed. Then Mo came over with two pieces of cold pizza and a water bottle for me. Honestly I wasn't that hungry, but I didn't want to disappoint her or anything. So I took a small bite and a sip of water. "Thanks mo. I love you." I hug her.

"Love you too."

- - -

A couple days have past. And I'm probably worse then that first day. Everyday has been a struggle, never getting better. I haven't seen Hayes or got any word from him. Mo and Shawn come everyday and kind of stay the whole day while the others go out and have fun. I haven't left the hotel room in days. I've been in bed. Watching Netflix, on my phone, on my laptop, barely anything. I haven't eaten much either because I haven't really been hungry. I've been crying a lot.

I guess you can say I'm heartbroken...



I feel so bad guys. I haven't updated in like a month! the author notes are gonna be smaller. btw mahogany retweeted me today (@molliehamaday is my Twitter you'll see me. dec. 5. 2014) but guys tysm ily guys. I can't really call you "The Hallie Crew" now... but bye my lovelies❤️

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