Chapter 33

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I woke up the next morning, cuddled up on my bean bag chair, with COD still on the TV screen. Oops. I yawned and stood up, turned off the TV and Xbox, grabbed my phone and went upstairs. I turned on my phone: 11:21am, September 5th, 14% battery. Is it considered breakfast still? Or lunch? Hmmm... I went to my room, plugged in my phone then went back downstairs for food. The house was empty and silent, weird. I went into the kitchen and grabbed the Reese Puffs box from the pantry and put that on the counter then grabbed milk, a spoon, and a bowl. I poured the cereal and milk in, then sat down and ate my Reese Puffs. I saw that there was a note on the counter.

Good morning Mollie! It might actually be afternoon when you read this, but that's not the point. Me and your father have gone out for groceries and other items we need. Sky went to a friend's house and Mahogany went to the beach with some friends. So you have the house to yourself for the day! Have fun and don't break anything! Love you -mom

Today I have the house to myself, which means it could be a very productive day or a very lazy day. I finished my Reese Puffs and put the bowl into the sink and went back upstairs. I plopped down on my bed and grabbed my phone. I went on Twitter and tweeted: my family ditched me today! anyone wanna hang out? And after that I put my put my phone on Bluetooth mode, turned on my water speakers, connected them then started blasting music. I went in the hall and grabbed a towel then went into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and took off my clothes then hopped into the shower once the temperature was right. I started washing my hair when one of my favorite songs came on. I started singing along, very obnoxiously loud.

"You used to call me on my, you used to, you used to, you used to call me on my cellphone. Late night when you neeeeeeed my love. Call me on my cellphoneeee." I sing loudly.

I danced around, washing my hair, then moving onto my arms and so on. About five to ten minutes later, I get out of the shower and wrap my towel around me and dry my hair. I walked into my bedroom and put on underwear and a bra, then picked out a pair of denim shorts and a baseball tee and put that on. I went back to the bathroom and blow dried my hair, and left it how it was. I walked back into my bedroom and laid down on my bed, grabbing my phone. I went on Twitter and saw that most of the replies to my recent tweet were 'MEEE'. I do wanna hang out with all the fans, but then I don't want a mob.

'Guys what should I do todayyy? Give me some ideas♡' I tweeted then went on snapchat.

I started recording, "Hey guys. So my family decided to leave me home alone with nothing to do! Tweet me things to do! Bye love you." I add the video to my story and then click on Mahogany's story. The beach looks so fun, but I can't just show up so that's off the list of choices. I went on Instagram and scrolled through my feed. Apparently an event called Vidcon is going on today, everyone is posting about it. I went back to Twitter and looked at my suggestions. Free meet up, the beach, amusement park, vidcon, film videos, sleep, and more. Then I saw vidcon tweeted me. 'Hey @MollieGordy, wanna join Vidcon today? It's late notice but there's still time for you to come! Hope you can (:' I wouldn't mind going. I texted my mom to ask her if I could go then started looking around for something to wear. I found a black skater skirt, a white lace crop top, and a jean jacket. I hope that's good. My mom answered and said yes, so I went on Twitter and DMed Vidcon for more information. They said the event started at two, they'll send a Uber to my house around 1:15, all I need is myself, once you arrive I'll get more information. Seems easy enough. It's 12:03pm now, I have some time. So I grabbed this mini backpack thing and put my outfit in it. Then I grabbed my makeup and started applying it. I put on my face, filled in my eyebrows, did a somewhat natural eye with eyeliner that could cut a bitch, and a light lip color. Then my hair, oh what do I do with this mess? I brushed it again and decided to try these space buns that I saw on Instagram before. It took me a good ten minutes to get it decent, so I kept it. I put my headphones in the backpack, extra makeup, then went downstairs and made myself a sandwich because I was hungry. After all that was down, it was 1:07pm. Oh my gosh that was fast. I ran upstairs and grabbed a pair of socks and put them on along with a pair of white converse. I put some money in my backpack, my phone charger and grabbed the backpack and my phone, walking downstairs. Right on the last step I heard a beep outside. I left my house, making sure the door was locked and then I walked to the Uber and hopped in.

"Good afternoon," the uber driver said, "I'm taking you to Vidcon, and once you're there, people will instruct you where to go without being mobbed by fans. You will be apart of the meet and greet, also you can go onstage if you would like."

"Okay, thank you." I said and went on my phone, opening up Twitter.

'anyone going to Vidcon today? ;)' I tweeted, immediately getting tweets like: 'ARE YoU gOiNG?!!?' And 'ANDMSKDN ME' in reply.

I'm so excited! Soon we pulled up to the place it's happening at. I saw fans all around, but then we went to the back and I got out of the car, thanking the driver, attempting to pay him but he said it was already paid for, then entering the building.

I went to the little sign in part and signed in then followed the dude to where all the other viners and youtubers were.



"Hello." A variety of greetings from the people filled the room.

"Hi guys!" I saw a few familiar people like Tyler Oakley and lohanthony. Holy shit I'm in a room with all these legendary youtubers. "Does anyone know what the schedule is for today? I'm new to this."

"Yeah so at 2pm, a few people will go onstage and do what they do, while others are doing their meet and greet, then after new people will go on stage and the others will do a meet and greet. Did you get a paper when you signed in?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, here." I handed him my paper, then he got out his paper. "We have the same schedule, that's awesome! So just stick with me and you'll be good." He smiled and handed me back my paper. "Come sit over here." He said, patting down the spot next to him. "So your name is Mollie, right?"

"Yup." I say. "And you're Tyler, by the way I'm a big fan." I smile.

"Awww!" He gives me a side hug, is this real. "Today is going to super fun!"


hey guys it was just over a month since I updated I'm sorry! But I finally updated (:

I started a new book: 1D and 5SOS Imagines ~ so you guys should check it out if you like one or both of those bands.

And I have other books you can check out on my profile too!

Bye guys, I hope I update soon!

bye Hallie Crew ily!
mollie xo

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