Chapter 3

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hey everyone! Hope you all like it! Triple update today #promise. This is Thursday's update:


Mollie's Point Of View: *A Few Days Later (When Lox Comes Home)*

"Haha biotchs." I say as the game ends, me at the top of the leaderboard. I just crushed some boys on Free-For-All. Don't underestimate me when I'm playing COD bro. I left the game and joined a Team Deathmatch lobby. Once the game started I had a perfect streak going 13 - 0. I was sprinting to the other team's spawn where I got shot! "THAT BITCH JUST ENDED MY STREAK!" I yelled.

Mahogany LOX's Point Of View: (New Point Of View!)

As I walked into my house I threw my stuff on the couch, and before I could shout for Mollie I heard her yell, "THAT BITCH JUST ENDED MY STREAK!" Sounds like she's playing Xbox. I laughed and headed down into the basement. I snuck up behind her and jumped on the beanbag next to saying, "Hey girl."

She yells falling of her beanbag, "MAHOGANY YOU JUST SCARED THE LIFE OUT OF ME!" She dropped the controller and mic in the process of falling. I laid there laughing.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you that bad." I say. She turns the TV and Xbox off then comes over and gives me a hug, (I'm sitting up now).

"I missed you Lox." she said.

"Missed you too Mol." I say.

"So how long are you staying for?" she asks.

"I don't know yet. Bart will call me and the boys when there's another Magcon." I say and she nods. "So how's things been here?" I ask.

"Pretty good. I've just been on YouTube, my phone, Xbox or penny boarding and eating food. How was Magcon?" she says.

"Cool. And pretty good. The boys are really talented, funny and sweet. And the fans have been pretty good too." I say. She nods again. "Well why are we sitting here doing nothing!?" I say.

She laughs, "I don't know, but let's get some food."

"Okay. Chick Fil A down the street?" I laugh with her, she nods repeatably. "Wanna penny board?" I smirk, knowing it's her favorite thing to do. Once again she nods crazily.

"Yes!" she says. We head upstairs and I give Mollie a pair of sunglasses and I grab a pair of my own, some cash, we both grab our phones and go outside into the garage to grab our penny boards. I grab my pink one while she grabs her teal one and we head off to the Chick Fil down the street. We're riding down the street when Mollie says, "I see it. Leggo fasta" I laugh at her love for food. She speeds up and get's ahead of me.

"Wait up!" I call to her, pushing off the ground multiple times before catching up to her. We arrive in front of Chick Fil A, pick up our boards and head in. I look around, mostly just adults, and some with young kids. So it looks like we won't be bothered by any fans, not that I don't want to meet them, I just rather not meet any right now. We walk into the line and I ask her, "What do you wanna get?"

"I'll have a 12 piece chicken nuggets, and a lemonade. And we defiantly need a large waffle fry." She says and I laugh.

"Okay. Wanna go grab some straws, ketchup and napkins and sit at that booth in the corner? Also take the penny boards over there?" I ask. She nods, takes my board and heads out of line to get the stuff. When it's my turn to order I step up to the middle aged woman and order Mollie's order plus a chicken sandwich and lemonade for myself. I paid the lady and waited. Once they called my order I grabbed it and brought it over to our table and sat down across from Mollie.

She had her phone out and then she said, "Take your phone out." I did as I was told as she slid next to me into the booth. "We need to take a selfie." I laugh and agree. We take off our sunglasses and she takes one first. Once that one was done I grabbed my phone and we took another one on my phone then we both posted it to Instagram (and other social media) with the caption: Reunited #sisterlove <3. I also tagged her in the photo. Mollie did the same then hopped over to the other side of the booth and started our meal. I ate my sandwich while Mollie popped pieces of chicken into her mouth.

"So has Lox found a boyfriend?" she asks me with this weird look on her face.

"No, not yet. I would of told you already. How about you Mollie, are you hiding anyone special from me?" I ask her with the same sorta look she had.

"Nahh. I woulda told you already too." she says.

"Single pringles for life bro." I fist bump her.

As I was just about to speak, two girls a couple years older than Mollie, came up to our table. "Are you Mahogany LOX!?" One squeals, it wasn't til then when I looked up and saw her, she wore, pounds of make up, a crop top and low cut shorts, same for her friend. I couldn't tell if she was a fan or not.

I put on a fake smile and said, "Yes."

"Oh my god! I love you so much! Can we get a picture?" she squeals, as does her friend.

"Umm.. sorry but at the moment my sister and I are eating." I say as politely as I could, gesturing over to Mollie sitting there, silently eating her food.

"Oh. Sorry, I didn't see that there." She scowls. Mollie looks up at them and quickly looks back down and grabs a fry and eats it.

"Yeah. Well if you two don't mind, I'd like to finish my meal with my wonderful sister." I say, defending my sister. They mumble some things before sitting in the booth right behind Mollie. Perfect. Note the sarcasm. "Mollie, don't worry about them. Okay?" I say and she nodded.

As we finished our meal, I could hear the two girls saying things like this: "She's such a pig. She should stop eating." and "Yeah, she's so ugly, she should go die in a hole, it will do everyone a favor." And they laughed about it. That's it. They just got Lox pissed. I tried to keep as calm as I could and walked up to their table.

"Okay. I had enough of you two. Hate over the Internet is bad enough. But saying it all when they are right next to you is just plain cruel. Plus the fact you two are older then her, she is only a 13 year old girl and you guys look like your 16. Seriously just grow up. If you two were real LoxSmiths you wouldn't be hating on my own sister. Let's go Mollie." I say, I walk over to our table, grab our penny boards, sunglasses, and walk out with Mollie right beside me. She wasn't crying, like usual. She's a strong girl. She has experienced hate online before, but not like face to face, but she just did (sorta). Once we're out of Chick Fil A I was about to talk to her but then I heard, "Hey everyone, There's Mahogany LOX and Mollie Gordy!" oh my god. Are you serious. We can't run home so I grabbed Mollie's hand and ran. They were chasing us until I hid into a alley with Mollie right besides me. I hugged her and asked her, "Are you okay?" she nodded. We took some breaths before starting to go back. We both had our penny boards in one of our hands, our sunglasses on, and our phones in our pockets. I looked to see if it was clear before heading back to our original destination. We walked/speed walked home. Once we were home, we put our penny boards away and headed into the house, into the living room.

"Alright. I think it's time to tell you more about hate and everything like that." I say sitting cross-legged across from Mollie on the couch. She sighs and nods. This was gonna happen sooner or later.



Hey guys. I promise you a triple update today (July 26, 2014) Its currently 12:12am so I have until 11:59pm today. Almost the full 24 hours. I will get it for you guys. So look out for more updates. Thanks for 43 reads and 11 votes!

Thank all of you - I love you,


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