Chapter 31

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"No thank youuu." She says and gets up.

"The fans want you to do it too Mo. So you have to." I say.

"But I'll end up getting all the bad onessss."

"No you won't, come on, let's just do it."

"Fine. I'll go get ready." She goes upstairs.

"Hey Sky how about you run to the store and get the little box while I set everything up?"

"Okay I'll be right back."

I guess we should do this at the kitchen table, right? I put three chairs on one side of the table, then grabbed three plastic red cups and three glass cups. I put water in the glass cups and left the plastic ones empty for anyone who wants to spit out the jelly beans. Then I went upstairs and grabbed my camera and its stand. I went back downstairs and set everything up and Sky had just came back with the jelly beans. Mahogany was ready, Sky was ready, and I just checked my appearance and it looked fine so we're ready to start. I sat in the middle chair and Mo sat on my right and Sky sat on my left. I already started recording us.

"So guys the red cup is for spitting out the jelly bean and the glass cup has water. Whoever swallows the most jelly beans wins, and whoever spits out the most loses, got it?" They nod. "And we just take turns spinning to see what we get and then we say the two possibilities. Let's do this."

I take a quick breath then look at the camera. "Hey guys, it's Mollie Gordy here and I'm back with a new video! It's been some time since I posted one. So let's get started! But before we do, this is my sister," I gesture to Mahogany.

"Mahogany LOX." She says.

"And my brother," I gesture to Sky.

"Sky Blu." He says.

"And we're gonna do the Bean Boozled Challenge! So let's get started."

"I'm kinda scared." Mahogany says to the camera.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Whoever has the least jelly beans spit out and in his/her cup, wins and the other two lose. And the losers have to jump into the pool, which is very cold at the moment." I say. "These two are going for a swim." I whisper to the camera.

"Alright so what you're supposed to do is spin the little spinner thingy." I hold it up to the camera. "And then whichever one you land on, you have to take one from the box and its either a good one or a bad one. Sky do you wanna go first?"

"Sure." He spins it. "So it's gonna be either juicy pear, or booger." He picks up one that matches the bean on the spinner. He puts it in his mouth and doesn't make a grossed out face. "Juicy pear."

"Oh god it's my turn." I spin the spinner and it lands on, "Coconut or baby wipes. What the heck would baby wipes taste like?" I picked one up and smelled it, it smelled like nothing. I slowly put it in my mouth. I started chewing it. Ew oh my god. I put my hand on my mouth.

"That's how baby wipes taste." Sky laughs. "Now swallow it or have a better chance at losing." I swallow it and chug water down because that was horrible.

"If you're watching this never eat baby wipes." I say and Mo and Sky just laugh.

Mahogany spins. "Okay so I have Berry blue or toothpaste. Toothpaste can't be that bad, I mean it's just gonna be minty, right?" I nod and she grabs one and puts it in her mouth. "Toothpaste, definitely toothpaste." I pass the spinner to Sky.

"Chocolate pudding or canned dog food." He reaches for a jelly bean. "Please, please be chocolate pudding." He puts it in his mouth and it looks like he's gonna puke. Canned dog food.

"Oh my god." Me and Mo just watch him and he swallowed it. "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?! GROSS."

"Boys are better than girls." He breaths in my face and his breath smelled horrible.

"You should get a toothpaste jelly bean to make your breath smell better." I say.


Once we were done with the jelly bean part of the video, the scores were Sky: 1 Me: 3 Mahogany: 5. Which means Sky wins and me and Mahogany have to jump in the pool. I went outside and put my camera facing the pool. I hit record on the camera and Mahogany and Sky stood next to me.

"So as you guys know, Sky beat me and Mo, so that means we have to jump in the pool."

Mahogany went to feel the water and she came back and said. "THE WATER IS FREEZING IM NOT GOING IN."

"Uh yeah you are, you lost." Sky laughs.

"Let me feel how cold it is." Me and Mahogany walk over and I feel the water, it's not that bad. I stepped back and saw Sky push Mahogany into the water.

When she resurfaced she said, "It's so cold! And Sky that was mean." She stood there shivering and Sky was laughing his butt off. I took the opportunity to push him in.

"Yo! I won so I shouldn't be in the water!" Sky said and I laughed this time.

I walked up to the camera and said, "You see, Mollie always wins." I step over and gesture to them in the water. "Thank you guys for- AHHHH." I was picked up and thrown in to the water. I came up from the water and saw Sky laughing, out of the pool and Mahogany getting out of the pool, laughing. I swam to the side and hopped out and walked in front of my camera. Mahogany handed me a towel and I wrapped it around me. "As I was saying, thank you guys for watching this video. Make sure to give it a like and subscribe. If you want to subscribe to these two, click on their faces or click their links in the description below. Also all of our social media will be in the description, if you want to see more videos with these two, tell me in the comments! Or wherever! Bye guys see you next week!"

"Bye!!" Mahogany says and waves.

"Adiós." Sky says and I do my outro and turn off the camera.

"Well looks like I have a lot of editing to do." I say.

"Yep. That was fun but some of those flavors were horrible." Mahogany says as we go inside.

"Agreed." I say.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Sky says and heads upstairs.

"When are you gonna film a video Mo?" I ask her.

"Soon hopefully." We clean up everything from the Bean Boozled and then I take my camera and its stand upstairs, then start uploading the videos onto my computer. This is gonna be a long day of editing yayyyy.


Look at dis I changed my author note a bit! So the last chapter only got 9 votes & 1 comment instead of 10 votes & 5 comments guyssss :((( I thought we could do it. So can we try for the next chapter? I already have half of it done. But guys lets do this! I lost so many of the active people on this book. I used to have 60-100 votes & at least 10 comments & hundreds or thousands of reads per chapter. It's fine I guess. It's just more encouraging to update when people vote & comment so yeah. Bye people's have a nice dayyyy ps thanks for where we got so far ((reads: 75.4k votes: 1.83k comments: 501))

ily guys that are still reading this book ♥︎

bye Hallie Crew♡♡♡

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