Chapter 36

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"Just be yourself and don't get into any trouble." Mom smiles at me.

"Okay." I say goodbye and walk out of the car and into the building. There weren't any people around outside so I guess I'm late. Great.

I walk into the building and there's a woman at the desk in front of me. I walk up to her. "Hello, I'm new here, not just the school but the whole state." Wow way to sound stupid Mollie.

"Name?" She says tiredly, she's not happy about school starting again.

"Mollie Gordy."

"One minute." She turns around and looks through a file then comes back with a paper. "Here's your schedule. It's still homeroom."

"Okay thanks." I take the paper and start heading a way.

Homeroom - Mr. Davids - 145
1st block - Math - Mrs. Smith - 183
2nd block - English - Mr. Anderson - 225
half block 1 - Spanish - Ms. Rodriguez - 103
half block 2 - free block
3rd block - History - Mrs. Wells - 279
4th block - Chemistry - Mrs. Allen - 202
Lunch - Cafeteria 1
Elective - Art - Ms. Thompson - 165

"Okay room 145, that should be on the first floor." I say to myself, looking at the classroom's numbers as I pass by. 135, 137, 139, 141, 143, 145. Mr. Davids room. I open the door and walk in. Everyone's heads turned to me and it got silent.

"Ahh, Miss.... Gordy, I believe? First day and you're late." The man at the desk said as I walked in.

"Sorry sir, I was getting my schedule and-"

"Don't worry about it. It's just homeroom. I'll let you go." He smiles.

"Thanks." I say, awkwardly standing there.

"Take a seat anywhere it's free and do whatever until 7:30am." Well he seems pretty chill. One good teacher so far.

I find a seat in the middle of the room but closer to the side of the room near the window. I sit down and the girl next to me starts talking to me.

"Hi, my name's Riley."

"Hi, I'm Mollie." I smile at her. She had straight blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"Nice to meet you, even though I feel like I know you and your name from somewhere." She says, then she realizes, "Magcon! You were in Magcon with Nash and Cam and all them! Don't worry I'm not a obsessed crazy fan."

"Yep that's me. And I was hoping you weren't, I mean the fans are amazing but some go crazy." I say.

"I understand. So you're new here?" She asks.

"Yeah, I moved from Michigan to here with my family and I had to go to a school, so I'm here." I laugh, she does too.

"That's cool. Since you're new, want me to show you around? It's my freshman year too but I've been around this school for other activities."

"That'd be great! I'm lucky this room wasn't that far from the front of the school because I would of been really lost."

"Here let me see your schedule." She says and I hand it to her.

"Okay I'll give you a little overview on the teachers from what I know and heard from my friends. Mr. Davids, super chill teacher, as you know already. Mrs. Smith, from what I heard is pretty strict, so get on her good side. Mr. Anderson, I have him but during a different block, he's nice but there's a lot of work. Ms. Rodriguez, good luck. Mrs. Wells, she's tough. Mrs. Allen, really nice and she makes class fun. Ms. Thompson, you're average strange, art teacher that's into art and writing and quotes, etc. I have free block with you, and chemistry with you so we have some classes together. "

"All that is good to know, thanks. And yeah I have one friend now, wooooh!" I say and she nods, laughing slightly.

"Your next class is all the way down the hall, to the right and then start looking for the room number." She says.

"Thank you so-" I start off.


"-much." I laugh. Everyone leaves the classroom I try to follow Riley's directions. Down the hall and to the right. 165, 167, 169, 171 ... . The bell rings and everyone rushes past me, I hurry and try to get to 183. I walk in a almost a minute after the bell and she was already taking roll. When I enter, the same thing happens, silent and stares.

"Excuse me Miss, you are late to my class."

"Sorry." I say.

"Who are you anyway?" She says, oh god.

"Mollie Gordy, I'm new to the area." I say, please don't make me speak in front of the class.

"Okay Miss. Gordy. Take these books," she hands me 2 large books. "Have a seat next to Mr. Harris. Mr. Harris, raise your hand." I look over at the kid raising his hand and sit next to him.

"Alright class I hope you've already copied down your homework, so open up to page 14 in the packet and 16 in the textbook." I do as told, and copy my homework on a piece of loose leaf.


Basically how my first day went: Lost, late, copy down tonight's homework, receive at least two books per class, and repeat. No one else tried to talk to me except Riley so at least I have one friend. I'm leaving the building now, Mom's picking me up.

I find her car and throw my now filled backpack in the back and then hop in shot gun.

"So how was your first day?"


Hi guys! I'm back again! I'm doing pretty well updating. AND I HAVE SOME NEWS.

Starting February 1st, I'm going to try to update every day. I saw someone do this but just for a month and I wanted to try it. So I'll be on wattpad writing but not updating until February 1st. Also all chapters will be this longish. Just 800-1000 words. How's this sound? Comment your thoughts!!

Thanks for 82k reads, 2.03k votes & 569 comments!

ily hallie shippers,,
xx ~BandsAndYoutuberz ♡♡♡

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