Chapter 6

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Hey guys. Here's Sunday's update. Hope you like it!


Mollie's Point Of View:

I woke up the next morning around eight and decided to get up and get ready. Today I'm going to film Wednesday's video with Lox so she can be in it since she leaves tomorrow. I just finished showering so I put on my outfit which was a black tank top with 'Normal is boring' on it and a pair of distressed denim shorts. I also threw on a red flannel on top of my shirt For my hair, I blow dried it already, so I just brushed it and left it down and straight. And I did my usual make up routine. Then by the time I was done that it was past nine. I decided to see if Lox was awake. I walked into to her room and she was awake, on her computer, probably editing her video.

"Heyyy." I say sitting on her bed.

"Hellooo." Lox says not looking up. "Hold on, I'm almost... Done. Okay I'm done editing now I'll upload it later and I'll be done." She says.

"Okay. Do you wanna be in my YouTube video?" I ask her.

"Sure." she says.

"Okay, we're doing the Shock Ball challenge, and my camera and the shock ball are in my room, so let's film the video in there." I say, Lox following behind me into my room. "I'll set up the camera, can you grab two chairs?" I ask and she nods. I set up my camera and when I finished that, I went into my closet and got the Shock Ball.

"So you do know the challenge, right?" I ask.

"Yup. I've seen people do it before." Lox says and I nod. I turn on the camera and sit down.

"3.. 2.. 1.. Hey guys, I'm Mollie Gordy and today I'm here with my sister..." I trail off.

"Mahogany LOX." Lox says.

"Today we will be doing the Shock Ball Challenge." I say.

"If you don't know what the shock ball challenge is, it's when we have a category and we need to say things in that category while we pass the shock ball, it can shock us at any moment." Lox explains.

"I'm not looking forward to this." I say, "But let's get started." We turn our chairs facing each other and I pull out my phone and scroll through Twitter. "Our first category is... Disney Princesses. Belle." I toss the ball.

"Ariel." Lox tosses it back.


"Snow white."

"Sleeping be- OW! That hurt like sh*t." I'll have to edit that out. I got shocked. Lox was there laughing. "Our next category is sports." I say. "Volleyball." I toss the ball.

"Softball." Lox passes it back.







"Umm.. OUCH AGAIN!" I fell off my chair while screaming. Once again I have been shocked. Lox sat there laughing. "You know, I'm really starting to not like this challenge/game." I say, getting back up from the floor. "Our final category is.. COD games." I smirk. "COD BO2." I toss the ball.

"Um.. COD BO?" she passes it back and I nod.

"COD MW3."

"COD Ghosts."

"COD MW2."

"Umm.. Uh- OUCH!" Hahaha Lox got shocked. I started laughing and Lox. After that we moved our chairs, so they're facing the camera.

"Okay that's it for the Shock Ball Challenge. Thanks for watching our video. We also did a video on her channel, click anywhere on her, there will also be a link below. Make sure to like, comment and subscribe to both of us if you don't already! All of our info will be below. Okay guys, see you next Wednesday, love ya bye!" I say, blow a kiss to the camera and put my hand over the lense and turned it off.

"Well now what?" Lox says.

"I don't know. It's only like 10 so we have a good amount of day left." I say.

"Let's plan something for today. Like wanna go out to lunch/dinner or something?" Lox suggests.

"Okay.. Let's go out to dinner and right now what should we do?" I ask.

"How about we go to the mall. We can do lot's of stuff there and then go anywhere for dinner." Lox says.

"Okay, just I don't want to SHOP for hours, let's get some food, play some games, etc." I say.

"Okay, okay. Well what are we waiting for? Imma get some sunglasses and shoes and you should too." Lox says. And I do as told. I put on some socks and slip on a pair of Air Jordan's, I grab a random pair of sunglasses and my phone then head downstairs. Lox is already down here with her keys. "Leggo."

We walked outside and hopped in Lox's car, her driving (duh) and me shotgun. I turned on the radio and found a good station as we drove. Around 10 minutes later we got to the mall. We put our 'hata blockaz onnn'. Sorry that was necessary because of the last time we went out. We hopped out of the car and headed to the entrance.

As we entered, I asked, "Where to first?"

"Anywhere." Lox answered.

"ARCADE!" I run into the arcade, earning stares from adults, but I don't care. I run into the arcade and here Lox coming in behind me.

We played many games in the arcade before heading into a pizza place in the mall for lunch. We both got a huge slice of pizza each and after that we went into clothes stores - Cute clothes but I really don't wanna shop. After we both got stuff from that store we went into the accessory shop, we got a few things there, one main thing we both got was a new phone case. I don't know what Lox's is but mine is this cute lil bear.

By the time it was like five, we have gone in and out of many stores, sometimes coming out with bags, and we decided it was time for dinner. We googled a close, yet well rated restaurant and once we found one, we drove there and got a table luckily (it's packed in here).

"So what are you going to get?" I ask Lox.

"Hmmmm... I think I'm going towards pasta or salad." she responds.

"I'm going for the grilled chicken something." I say not remembering the name.

We order, get our food and eat it. It's delicious. Me and Lox head home, and I help her pack since she's leaving early tomorrow. After we finish I head to my room and get ready to go to bed. Today was fun, I'm going to miss Lox while she's on tour (once again). But it's okay I guess, she's doing what she loves, she's happy. But I'll still miss her.



Hey guys, I failed you all again. I is sorry. Sunday's update. I'm trying to update as much as I can but I get distracted easily and every chapter I'm pretty sure is 1000+ words. Thank you so much for 170+ reads & 30+ votes! Magcon is either in the next chapter or in 2 chapter's from now.

Thank you guys - I love ya,


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