Chapter 8

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Hey everyone! Here's Tuesday's update. Hope you all like it. AYYEE ITS MAGCON \/ !


Mahogany's Point Of View: (Aye guys it's Wednesday in the story right now btw)

I'm in my hotel room at the moment. We finished Magcon Atlanta Day #1, sometime ago and it's 7:24pm right now. I was straightening up my room when my phone started ringing. It was mom, I answered.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hi Mahogany, I need to talk to you about your father's and my job." Mom says.

"Okay. What is it?" I ask.

"Well, we both got offers to work at this brand new building, we will still be doing the same things, just a little upgraded and a better pay." Mom answers.

"That's great!" I say.

"Well there's one thing about that new building.." Mom trails off.

"What's that?" I ask.

"It's in Australia." Mom answers.

"Oh. So are you taking it?" I say, shocked a bit.

"We are planning to. I know it's far but both you and Sky are growing up and are rarely home, niether are we, so it won't really be any different." She says.

"Okay, but what about Mollie? She's only 13." I say.

"I was hoping she could go on tour with you?" Mom says, I could tell she wants me to say yes. And I'd love to have Mollie with me on tour!

"Well, I can ask my manager, I'm sure he'll say yes. It will be great to have her here with me." I say.

"Okay, honey, I'm glad that all is okay with you. Just ask your manager and tell Mollie all about this. I have to go. Bye Mahogany.." Mom says.

"Byee mom." I say.

We hung up and I ran out of my room and ran to Bart's room. I knocked and knocked until he answered.

"Hi Mahogany, are you okay?" Bart says.

"Hi, I'm fine. I just have a important question." I say.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Can my younger sister join Magcon? She's a YouTuber and Viner too." I ask.

"I've seen some of her videos. How old is she?" Bart asks.

"She's 13, turning 14 on August 8 this year. Hayes joined when he was 13." I say.

"Okay, she can join. But I'm counting on you and the boys to teach her all about it. We'll fly her in tonight, go tell her to pack now and I'll give you the flight information when I get it." Bart says.

"Okay. Thank you so much!" I say and run back into my room and pick up my phone. I dial Mollie's number and wait for her to answer. When she answers I say two words.

"Start packing!" I say.

"He- What?! Why?!" She asks confused.

"Welcome to the Magcon Family!" I say.

"OH MY GAWD WHAT?! YOU SERIOUS?!" She screams.

"Yup. Mom and Dad got offered to work in a new building and they get a better pay and a upgrade and one thing about that building is that it's in Australia so you're coming on tour with me instead of going to Australia sorry." I say.

"Okay. I'M IN MAGCON NOW?" She says.

"Yup. Just talked to Bart - The Manager - and he said he's flying you in sometime tonight. Start packing," I say.

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