Chapter 47

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*Senior Year of High School*

"I can't believe we're graduating."

"Me neither!" I say to Steph as we put on our cap and gowns over our dresses.

"It seems like it was only yesterday that we were little freshmen." Steph says, touching up her hair.

"I know right." I say, finishing my makeup. "I think we have to go now." We head out of my house, where my parents are waiting.

"You girls look beautiful! Spin around." Mom says and we spin around, our gowns following.

"We gotta get to school before we're late! This is like the only time I want to get to school on time!" I say, hopping in the car, Steph following.

"Jenna's already there, same with Brendon and Lance." She says, looking at her phone.

"Oh gosh we have to hurry." I say nervously.

"We have plenty of time, they're all just early." Dad says, oh thank god.

I looked at Steph and she looked at me. Then we freaked out because we're graduating. The car filled with talk about college and such.

Soon we got there and we met up with everyone. We freaked out again.

"I can't believe that it was four years ago that we all walked through those doors as freshmen. And in a few hours, we'll be walking out them, graduated." Jenna says.

"And look at us." Brendon looked around at our group of friends. "We're all still together after four hard years of high school."

"I can't ever thank you guys enough for inviting me into your friend group. In the beginning, I was afraid I was going to be annoying to you guys since I was new and stuff, but you guys were so sweet and welcoming. Thank you." I say.

"Aww group hug." We all get in a group hug and the parents took photos. "Well let's graduate!"

*skips to getting the diploma*

"Wesley Gadern." They were saying the names of students getting their diplomas and I was coming up. This is so exciting! A name or two were called before I heard it.

"Mollie Gordy." Applause filled the room as I walked up the stairs going onto the stage. I shook the principal's hand and accepted my diploma and walked across and off stage. Everyone waited until this was over and then our whole grade went outside. We did the whole throwing of caps and everyone hugged. It was great. I graduated high school. Aka I made it through 12 years of hell. Those 12 years took place in two different places, Michigan and California. Those 12 years included many different people. Those 12 years had their ups and downs but right now it's a high point in my life and I couldn't be happier.

Me and my friends took a bunch of pictures together, then my family and I started heading to the restaurant we have reservations at. In the car ride there, I took off my cap and gown, touched up my hair the best I could, and fixed my makeup. The dress I'm wearing is just white, not to simple and not too much.

When we finally arrived at the restaurant, we told them we had a reservation and they led us to the table

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When we finally arrived at the restaurant, we told them we had a reservation and they led us to the table. It was me, my mom and dad, Sky, and Mahogany.


Dinner was really good, the restaurant was amazing and the food was even better. I also managed to get nothing on my white dress! I'm pretty proud of myself. We have been home for some time and I'm just laying on my bed taking it all in. I graduated. Those two words are more powerful than you think. It's like I made it. All those days in middle school and high school counting down the seconds until the next minute. Counting down the minutes until a class ends. Counting down the hours until I'd leave school that day. Counting down the days until the weekend. Counting down the weeks and months until summer. Counting down the years until I graduate. All of those years have been complete. My countdowns have ended. But now, there's another journey, and that's college.


Hiii luvs! Mollie graduated, oh my gosh. I'm sorry that I have to skip time for the next few chapters, it's just the crappy way I'm ending the book, sorry guys. But there's one chapter I haven't written yet that will be really fun and long hopefully!!

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ily lovelies,,
xo ~BandsAndYoutuberz

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