Chapter 23

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Mollie's POV:

I woke up when I heard arguing. I peeped open one eye and saw the Magcon crew arguing. I shut my eyes and listened.

"How can he just show up and boom they're back together? She was broken for weeks!"

"Listen it's not our choice. Mollie chose to give him a second chance so we should too." Mo, being the problem solver she is.

Everyone quieted down after that and I felt Hayes wake up. I could feel everyone staring at us.

"Okay guys please don't flip out, I don't want to wake mollie up. I'll explain." He said in a sleepy voice (that was really hawt).

Hayes explained the exact same thing he told me, which makes me happy that he isn't hiding anything. After he finished I decided to "wake up".

"Hi sleepyhead." Hayes says.

"Hi." I paused and looked around. "Hi people."

"Hii" they all said at once.

"So umm.." I laughed softly.

"You and Hayes are back together now?" Jack G. asked.

"Yep." I hugged Hayes.

"Yes! Finally. Sorry I'm a bit of a #Hallie shipper." he said and we all laughed.

"Don't worry, I am too." I blushed.

Shawn Mendes' POV:

Okay I have mixed emotions right now. I'm disappointed in myself for not protecting Mollie like an older brother should do. I'm happy that Mollie is happy. I'm mad that he just showed up and they're together. I honestly don't know what to think anymore. I just don't want Mollie to get hurt again.

Mollie's POV:

"So can you guys all explain how Magcon has been? Since, you know, I haven't been there." I say awkwardly.

"Well, it was a lot more fun with you two there, recently it hasn't been as fun."

"Lots of fans ask about you two, where you've been and such."

"It's still fun, like usual, but a lot different without you two."

"Without the two 14 year olds, did anything happen?" I smirk and look at Hayes, who returns the smirk.




"OKAY I DIDNT THINK SOMETHING ACTUALLY HAPPENED GUYS WOAH OKAY." I started getting grossed out and they all laughed. I cuddle up in Hayes, blushing that I asked that.

"Anyways, what should we do for the rest is the day?" Someone asks.


"Record some YouTube videos?"

"Prank war?"

"Shopping?" (No that wasn't me it was another girl **cough cough mo cough**)


"Everyone in for a prank war?"




"Okay, everyone shut up and listen." they paused. "Teams or every man for himself?"

"Cough cough also herself cough cough." I but it.

"Okay teams or ever man/WOman for himself/herself?"


"War starts now!"

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