Chapter 21

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Mahogany has been packing up our luggage because I'm still in bed. I haven't smiled or anything for the last few days. I guess this is how it is to be heartbroken. The worst part? Hayes still hasn't came in to talk to me, text me, tweet me, DM me, nothing.

And I've been thinking, why would he try to come back to me? I just like Liv said in the mall. A slut, bitch, ugly, why would Hayes even look at me? Maybe it was all a game. Maybe it was all an act. Maybe he was lying the whole time. Maybe I shouldn't of joined magcon. Maybe I shouldn't of been adopted by The Gordys. Maybe I shouldn't of been born, I mean my own parents didn't even want me.


Mahogany's POV:

I'm getting really worried about mollie. She hasn't even spoke to me all day. She's been either asleep or staring off into space. Hayes didn't only break her heart. But he broke her.

Soon I had everything packed up and I sat down on my bed soon as someone knocked. I sighed getting up and walking towards the door. I opened it up. There stood...


Shawn Mendes.

"Hey can I come in?"

I nod and let him in. "She hasn't spoken to me at all today. And she's either asleep or staring into space. I don't know what to do." I say.

"Me neither."

"I mean, we're heading to Magcon Maine tomorrow, she can't go out there like this! And seems like she's getting worse. I don't know how else to help her. I've tried everything, but she's too broken. It was her first, and she's only 14. Shawn, I don't know what to do anymore." I say, tears starting to fall down my cheeks.

Shawn was on his phone, on Twitter and searched up: Hayesgrier. I gasped, and more tears fell. Hayes' Twitter consists of pictures of him and this skimpy blonde girl. We looked more but no 'I miss you' kind of tweets, but Mollie's tweets made it clear she missed him, but was mad about him cheating.

"I'm going to Nash's to see what he knows about him." Shawn said getting up and going out the door.

Shawn's POV:

I got to Nash and Cam's room and knocked, Nash opened up.

"Do you know where your little brother is?" I say, trying to stay calm.

"No. He's been out for the past few days. Haven't seen him since magcon. But I did see those Twitter pictures. I swear I can't believe he broke Mollie's heart. I see why he's avoiding all of us."

"That's true." I sighed. "I just can't believe this all happened a few days ago, on her birthday!"

"You know, it's been pretty boring without you three. Everyone seems a lot less happy."

"Oh. Well we're sorry about that we just can't leave her side."

"Yeah I understand. It's late. Night."


I walk back to Mo and Mollie's room.

"Nash doesn't even know where he is. But the good part is that he's not here." I say.

"We all should get some sleep. We gotta get up early for the flight. It's a long ride." Mo said and I nodded. She headed with Mollie, sleeping by her side incase something went wrong. And I laid in the other bed, and slowly drift off to sleep.

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