Part 4

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"He's gone to call your dad to come immediately; I have promised Feroze that yours and Maya's Nikkah will take place today before Maghreb, as soon as your dad comes." She just burst the bomb on his head.

"My what??" his voice was raised in shock.

"Lower your voice," she squeezed his hand, "You promised me to say yes, I have promised my brother that he should not worry about Maya, she will become my Bahu and you will marry her and take care of her all your life." She was so calm in saying all this as if she was narrating some drama story.

He was speechless and just kept looking at her, not sure if his mother had lost her senses due to her brother's illness, or if she was testing him.

Hamza's mind was racing as he absorbed the unexpected bombshell dropped by his mother.

Nikkah? Marriage? To Maya? It felt like the ground beneath him was slipping away. He glanced at his mom, searching for an explanation.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Nikkah with Maya? I barely know her," he exclaimed, his confusion evident.

His mother sighed, "Hamza, I know this is sudden, but Maya is Feroze's only daughter. Hassan has also gone to Saudia, he's concerned about her being alone, especially with his deteriorating health. He
wants her to be safe and asked me to marry her to someone trustworthy."

Hamza's eyebrows furrowed. "But Mom, marriage is a big step. I can't just agree to this without even knowing the girl properly. We have zero compatibility or for that matter look at our status difference, and what about her? Does she even want this?"

His mother hesitated, "I understand, beta. But we don't have much time, and Feroze requested me to take her in my protection and I want to make a dying man happy and content. I don't see anyone more responsible and caring than you. I need to consider Feroze's condition too." She started to cry.

"Haan tau Mom, it's not necessary to marry her to keep her in your protection, she can live with you forever in our house, why do I have to marry her?" He did not understand her mother's mind.

"Hamza, I have only these people left as my Maika (mother's family) I want to make my brother happy, content, and peaceful, promising to take care of her and getting her married to you is different." She tried to reason with him.

"Mom" he tried to say something, but she shushed him with her raised hand, "Bas, no more argument, I asked you in the morning before proposing and you promised that you would say yes!," She was back to her usual self, making the final decision.

He went quiet, he didn't know what to do or how to convince her. He thought maybe Dad would come and prevail some sense in her.

Reluctantly, he went back inside the house went straight to the room and closed the door.

Durri entered Feroze's room, the atmosphere was different. Maya was quietly sitting next to her father and looked grim and desolated.

Durri took the lead, "Maya, beta, we were thinking... we wish for you and Hamza to get married."

Maya's eyes widened, and she glanced at Durri, who was trying to smile. Feroze, lying on the bed, intervened weakly, "Beta, I have seen Hamza, he's Apa's son, and I believe if you are married off to him, I can die peacefully."  Listening to this Maya started to cry, holding her father's hand she only managed to say, "Please don't say it like this,"

Durri stepped forward and hugged her, and they both started crying, thinking about Feroze's condition.

As the day progressed, they could see that Feroze's condition was becoming worse, he was having difficulty breathing. Durri had made the arrangements to go ahead with the Nikkah before Maghreb, she was just waiting for her husband to arrive.

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