Part 31

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Hato! mujhe Hamza se milna hai,"

Maya looked at this rude woman and moved aside, without saying a word, and Ayesha stomped inside but once inside she stopped and having no choice turned again, "Kahan hai woh!"

Maya also held her head high and without looking at her replied, "Apne room main,"

Ayesha reluctantly asked, "Room Kahan hai?" Uff this question acted like a balm on Maya's heart.

This woman who happens to be in her husband's life more than her, doesn't know where the room is.

She turned towards the stairs and without looking at her said, "Ajain,".

As Ayesha followed Maya up the stairs to Hamza's room, her mind raced with a mix of emotions—discomfort, insecurity, and a hint of determination. She couldn't shake the feeling that Ayesha had an upper hand in Hamza's life, despite her being his wife.

When they reached the door, Maya hesitated for a moment, but then opened the door and entered.

As they stepped into the room, Ayesha's eyes immediately sought out Hamza, who was sitting on the couch, his leg propped up on a stool. He looked weak, but he managed to smile when he saw Ayesha.

"Hi," Hamza greeted her, his eyes flickering briefly towards Maya before returning to Ayesha.

Ayesha forced a smile in return, but inside, her jealousy burned hotter. She couldn't stand the sight of Maya hovering nearby, seemingly always there for Hamza when she couldn't be.

Ignoring Maya's presence, Ayesha walked over to Hamza and took a seat beside him on the couch. "How are you feeling?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Hamza sighed, leaning back against the cushions. "Tum ko khayaal a gay?" he continued without looking at her  "I'm getting better, slowly but surely. Thanks for coming to see me."

Ayesha reached out to gently touch his hand, a pang of guilt mixed with jealousy. She knew she should have been more supportive in Hamza's recovery, but it was hard to push aside her anger, especially with Maya in the picture.

Maya, meanwhile, stopped by the doorway, her gaze flickering between Hamza and Ayesha. She could sense the tension in the room, but she remained silent, unsure of her place in this complicated dynamic between her husband and his girlfriend.

Maya excused herself quietly, slipping out of the room without a word. Once she was gone, Ayesha turned her full attention back to Hamza, her expression determined.

"Hamza, we need to talk," Ayesha said, her voice firm.

Hamza nodded, sensing the seriousness in her tone. "I am listening?" His body language rigid.

Taking a deep breath, Ayesha looked at Hamza directly in the eyes. "I can't do this anymore, Hamza. I can't stand by and watch you waste with her when you should be with me. You know we belong together."

Hamza's brow furrowed in confusion. "Ayesha, I care about you, but Maya is my wife. I can't just abandon her."

Ayesha's resolve hardened. "You don't owe Maya anything, Hamza. You owe it to me, to be happy, and we won't find that as long as you're stuck in this marriage."

Hamza was listening to her and was not liking her banter about Maya.

"I'm leaving for Dubai tonight, and when I come back, I expect you to have made a decision. Either you leave Maya and be with me, or I walk away for good." She threatened him, again she was just concerned about herself, she was leaving him in this condition.

Hamza felt a knot forming in his stomach. He knew Ayesha was right in some ways, that's what the plan was, but the thought of divorcing Maya tore at his heart.

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