Part 43

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Maya had been spending her days in Islamabad with Phuppo, trying to keep herself busy and distract her mind from the turmoil within. The house was quiet, often filled only with the soft hum of everyday activities. Hamza was still in China, and despite his assurances and their heartfelt conversation, the distance and uncertainty had taken a toll on Maya. She had been feeling increasingly strong, struggling with the thought of letting Hamza go and encouraging him to marry Ayesha.

In an attempt to find some semblance of normalcy, Maya had thrown herself into cooking. She was in the kitchen, engrossed in trying out a new dish, the aroma of spices filling the air. Her mind, however, was a whirlpool of conflicting emotions and unanswered questions.

Suddenly, she heard Phuppo's excited voice from the hallway, breaking through her thoughts. Phuppo came rushing into the kitchen, her face alight with excitement and joy.

"Maya, beta! Your result is here!" Phuppo exclaimed, holding the newspaper. "Come quickly check,"

Maya's heart skipped a beat. For a moment, the heaviness that had been weighing her down lifted, replaced by a surge of surprise and excitement. She quickly wiped her hands on a kitchen towel and took the newspaper from Phuppo, her fingers trembling slightly as she tore it open.

She scanned the paper, her eyes widening as she saw her results. She had not only passed but had done exceptionally well. Tears of relief and happiness filled her eyes as she looked up at Phuppo.

"I did it, Phuppo. I really did it," Maya said, her voice shaking with emotion.

Phuppo pulled her into a tight hug, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. "I knew you could do it, beta. I'm so proud of you!"

The news brought a moment of clarity and a renewed sense of purpose to Maya. For the first time in weeks, she felt a spark of hope and accomplishment. The degree she had worked so hard for was now a reality, and it reminded her of her strength and capabilities.

Maya was overjoyed by her result, and that night, Phuppo and Ali Uncle took her out for dinner to celebrate. The restaurant was lively, filled with the cheerful chatter of other diners, and Maya found herself momentarily forgetting her worries. She laughed and chatted with Phuppo and Ali Uncle, their pride in her achievements evident in their smiles and toasts. It felt good to be surrounded by love and support, even if a part of her heart ached with the thought of leaving Hamza.

They gave her cash as a gift for her result. She kept saying no but they insisted that she deserved it.

When they returned home, Maya thanked Phuppo and Ali Uncle for the wonderful evening and headed to her room. As she changed into her night clothes, her phone buzzed with a video call from Hamza. She hesitated for a moment, her heart pounding. It was difficult to see him and know that she needed to distance herself from him, but she reluctantly accepted the call.

Hamza's face appeared on the screen, and Maya couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked, even through the digital medium. His eyes lit up as soon as he saw her.

"Congratulations!" Hamza exclaimed; his voice filled with genuine joy.

"Thank you," she replied, managing a small smile. The warmth in his eyes made her heart ache even more.

"Mama told me, tum ne kion nahi bataya?" he seemed a little hurt.

"Pata tau chal jata," Maya said softly, she was avoiding looking at him directly.

"I wish I could have been there to celebrate with you," he continued.

Maya nodded, her throat tightening with emotion. "Mushkil tha sab kuch, mujhe laga main nahi kar paon gee, magar Allah ne saath diya,"

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