Part 7

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Two days passed without any call from Ayesha. It was making Hamza nervous, sad, and angry. He was nervous about how to handle this situation, sad that he had to hurt Ayesha, and angry at Maya for coming into his life like that.

He had been avoiding calls from his mother too, registering his protest against her forced decision. He was in touch with his father for business mostly but of course, this was also a way of letting his parents know that he was fine.

Third day his patience went downhill and he decided to make a move himself. He drove up to Ayesha's boutique and walked straight inside to her office.

Ayesha was sitting with some workers and seeing him walking in, asked the staff to leave and come later.

As Ayesha's staff left the room, she could sense the tension emanating from Hamza. She maintained her composure, though her heart raced with anticipation and uncertainty.

"Hamza, what are you doing here?" she inquired, her voice steady but her eyes betraying a mix of hurt and anger.

Hamza hesitated for a moment, grappling with his emotions before finally speaking up. "Ayesha, I've been trying to reach out to you. I needed to talk."

Ayesha's expression did not change, but the sincerity in his voice was not missed. She pierced her eyes in his and asked "I'm sorry, Hamza. But what you told me has made me go bonkers. I've been trying to work and get my attention diverted but all I can think of is your cheating." she explained, hoping he would understand.

Hamza sighed, a mixture of frustration washing over him. "I understand, but we need to talk about us," he said, his tone earnest yet tinged with apprehension.

Ayesha nodded, motioning for him to take a seat opposite her. "Of course, let's talk," she agreed, bracing herself for the long overdue conversation.

"Aish, please trust me! This Nikkah is just a paper relationship, I will never accept her in my life! I will divorce her and we will marry like we planned."

"When? When will you do that?" She asked softly but firmly.

"My family is observing the 40 days for my Mamu's death, once this duration is finished I will go back to Islamabad and finish this relationship. I will speak to my parents and they will speak to your parents for the rishta ( our rishta)." The sincerity of his tone was absolving the walls that Aish was trying to build around her heart.

"Please Baby, trust me" he pleaded with her.

Ayesha looked at him and smiled, "Okay I trust you but you will leave her."

"Of course! Hamza assured her.

"You Hurt me!" Ayesha made a statement with a pout.

"I knew and I am sorry baby." He smiled with hearts in his eyes.

"I will forgive you if you will take me for dinner Abhi, to 'Sakura'"

"Oh, Aish! You lifted a big burden off my heart," with this he got up smiling signalling to her, "Let's go"


The days that followed were bliss. Hamza and Aish would meet every day and the Nikkah with Maya was almost forgotten.

Until one day, when he received a call from his father, asking him to come to Islamabad for his Mamu's chaliswa "40 days after death".

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