The Hwang

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I sigh as I close the door of the house. What an exhausted day.

"I'm home !" I shouted in the house to get the attention of my parents or at least one of them.


I walked in the kitchen and saw a post-it on the fridge,

We can't be here tonight we're on a big deal, mom & dad.

I read it and sighed. I looked around the empty living room and decided to get upstairs to take a shower.

Hot water running down my body, nothing is better than a hot shower sometimes. I might sleep here and sink in my shower. I decided to fight myself and got out of the shower.

I put on my pyjama and lay down on my bed with a big sigh. I opened my laptop and decided to FaceTime my cousin, Lia.


"Hi bitch why you're calling me at this hour." she answered.

"It's not that late, you're just dramatic." I replied rolling my eyes at her.

"Well how was your day ? Need to talk ?" She asked. Sometimes we stay on FaceTime for the whole night, she's just the only person who understands me in my life.

"My parents are out doing illegal things as always and I'm left alone here, bored and exhausted." I started. "Plus today was so annoying I just want to stay with you and talk until the sunrise." I finished.

"Why your day was annoying ? Someone annoyed you ?" She asked me curious about it.



"Well okay, there's this girl who's just so- UGH ! She just annoys me so much. I never was in a class where there is a trouble maker, like this girl just do the fuck she wants and it gets on my nerves." I said frustrated.

"Why you care so much about her ?"

"I'm the class representative !" I exclaimed.
"My class must be perfect..." I added

"Well teach her a lesson." she winked at me

"Eww ! Don't even start !" I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh so she's attractive uh ? A bad girl I see" she replied wiggling her eyes.

I closed my laptop before I could answer. I just wanna rest and not talking about this annoying girl for the whole night.

I'm tired. Goodnight xoxo

I sent to Lia before turning off the lights and put the blanket over my cold body. I fell asleep in 10 second.


I woke up with my alarm ringing. I stood up and went to my dressing room. What could I wear today ? Well why not a skirt with a long sleeve shirt and a blazer ? Again. And I'm wondering why I'm always cold. Well winter or not, let me wear my skirts in peace.

I went downstairs and smelled the breakfast from the kitchen.

"Hi sweetie, come take your breakfast !" I heard my mom says as she saw me.

"Hi, thanks but I'll eat it on the say to school, I'm going to be late."

"Did you do your homework last night ? Your grades are falling." She coldly says.

"Maybe, maybe not." I coldly replied.

I said goodbye and got in my car starting the engine.


I entered the school and met Mr. Hong.

"Good morning Yeji, can I see you in my office just before the class ?" he asked me

"Sure why for ?"

I followed him in the office and sit down in front of him.

"Well I know that you care for your class representative role a lot, and you're doing it very well, but you know you need better grade for this ? It's not terrible of course, for now... So I was wondering If you could take some private lessons you know ?" He told me with sincerity in his eyes.

"I hear you sir, I'll do my best but I have no one to give me private lesson..." i said honestly.

He looks at me and says with a smile "Well I do."


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