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Once in the driver's place, I put on my seat belt and started the car. The car automatically connected with my phone and I was ready to go. The sunset was starting to appear in the sky. I turned my head to my right, observing Yeji's side profile and the orange light of the sun that kissed her skin. I cleared my throat and wanting to make her comfortable I started the conversation.

"So how are you right now ?" I asked turning my attention back to the road.

"I'm okay, you ?" She simply said looking in front of her.

"I'm not okay." I said with a slight smile and I saw her turning her head in my direction.

"Oh well-" She started not knowing what to say and I continued my answer.

"Taylor's new album....." I sighed acting like I'm hurt.



"Fuck you I thought it was for real." She replied rolling her eyes and turning back her body towards the road.

"Ow you were worried for me." I smiled as she hits my shoulder and we laughed.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night." She answered and I smiled.

After 20 minutes I lowered the windows to let the air in and pass through our hair. The fresh evening air gave me goosebumps on my arms.

"I wish I could un-recall how we almost had it all."

I heard her words spoken by such a small voice in the appearance of a murmur. I didn't expect to hear that. Surprised, I turned my head to analyze her expression despite the dark night now. I saw the reflection of the moon in a tear flowing from her eye. I swallowed my saliva and didn't know how to react in the present moment and wanted to let her.

After several other long minutes, we arrived at her address. I parked right in front of her front door. From the outside the house seems warm and rather large for someone who lives alone. Curiosity quickly rose to my head.

"You live here all by yourself ?" I asked still looking at the house.

"Maybe." She said and I looked at her with a 'just tell me already' face. "Maybe not." She finished and I rolled my eyes.

She opened the door and got out of the car slamming the door behind her. She went to my side with my window still down.

"Thanks for the ride. See you tomorrow morning I guess you have no choices." She said hugging herself cause of the cold night and smiling slightly and I can't help but smile back at her.

"Sure ma'am, see you at 8am all ready." I answered imitating a soldier. She nodded and I waited until she enters her house to leave.

After a long night, the sun hits my beautiful and sweet face, I got up in pretty good shape and began to put on my work outfit.
Hearing the screams from downstairs I immediately went down.

"Why are y'all yelling this early ?" I asked making my way to the coffee machine.

"Felix ate all the fucking cereals." Yuna replied rolling her eyes while Felix was still eating his bowl full of cereals.

"I'm a grown ass man, this greek body needs all this food." He replied with a smirk and I threw a napkin at him.

"The only thing your body needs is some sport." I said sitting down at the table with everyone and Yuna started laughing at my remarks while Felix showed me his middle finger.

Numb to the feelingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن