Blond hair

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Well hello...
Sorry for any confusion and errors in advance.


I sighed as I heard the sound of my alarm ringing. I groaned and got out of the bed making the bed behind me. I rub my eyes and took all my energy to motivate myself to make breakfast. After putting all my soul into this appetizing breakfast well I guess, I went to get prepared before work. I decided to opt for a ponytail and a light makeup today. Anyway, I'm going to serve cafes and not do a fashion show.

I took my keys and closed the door behind me. After installing myself in my car,I put the music rather loud. And automatically I put my Taylor Swift playlist.


It's been almost 10 years since I last spoke to her, and yet I still think of her when I put this playlist. She always has a part of my consciousness no matter what I would do. I would say that I managed to turn the page, I cut ties with my family the day after the incident, I managed to find a small job that allows me to live properly without problems. Well, my life is not so bad right.

Well ok maybe I don't have the most active sex and relationship life but apart from that...

After a few minutes of driving I finally get to work, exactly on time. I spent the night watching my favorite series which may be the reason for my fatigue but who cares i love it too much.

"Morning Yeji." Rosé tells me as soon as I passed the coffee door. The smell entering my nostrils, the soothing colors and the warm decoration put me in a good mood early in the morning.

"Good morning Rosé." I answer while putting on my apron before starting my service, which starts at 8 o'clock sharp.

The first customers are always the regulars, every morning the same workers come to have their coffee. We are a very family-friendly café and that's why I'm attached to it.

"There." Rosé gave me another order that I executed in the following seconds. While I was making an order I noticed Rosé writing her number on a napkin.

"Don't tell me you're hitting on Gerard." I tell her with a laugh that makes her turn her head towards me.

"Ew have a little esteem for me." She says with a chuckle. "I tell you that a hottie has just entered the café and I don't intend to miss my chance."

She gave me a wink before leaving to hunt her target.

I finished my order and began to move towards the customer's table number. By focusing carefully on coffees so that they do not overflow, in an instant of seconds the coffees are hit by an individual.

The liquid fleed in the air and settled on the body of the person who bumped into me. A dark blue uniform I noticed, I would say a policeman maybe.

But I avoid raising my head and focusing on the incident.

"Fuck !" The person exclaims while I recover the cups on the ground intact, fortunately. The voice strong and deep, a voice that my ears seem to trigger.

"I'm sorry, fuck I didn't see you." I replied in a rush while recovering the last elements on the floor, the person still motionless in front of me, with my cap and my desire not to look up, I only see a torso and the tip of blond hair falling on the shoulders of the person.

"Well me too I guess." The person responded in a rather calm and warm tone which reassured me.

I decide to take the lead and minimize the damage to the uniform by taking the person to the toilet to try to clean the coffee on this uniform.

"Follow me i'll try to clean that." I said going to the toilet at the back of the cafe.


Once inside I hear the person behind me talking to herself.

"Fuck it's my only uniform." The person mumbled and i took some papers to start cleaning the shirt.

In contact with my hand against the stomach, I felt these muscles contract, becoming harder under my movements. As if my hand had an effect on this person.

These abs and her deep breathing making my hands move from top to bottom. I felt her gaze weighing on me, as if the person was trying to analyze me, to observe me as closely as possible.

By wanting to finish it quickly because the atmosphere is starting to become more and more warm and humid, without knowing why and without knowing who is this person and giving me so much importance and effect.

"I don't think it'll be very clean and you'll smell the coffee but at least i did my best." I said throwing the papers in the trash.

When I turned around, for the first time since the incident, since I hit her body, my eyes landed on the famous person.

She was putting her hair back, this blond hair, these piercing eyes, these facial features, her gaze focused on her uniform analyzing the result of my cleaning, my breath was cut off.

It can't be.

It can't be her.

It can't be her in this uniform.

It can't be her in my café, after 10 years of trying to erase her from my mind.

Just before she had time to look at me, I lowered my head and at the same time I heard Rosé shouted from the counter.

"Yeji ! Come here !"

I'm fucked up, am I ? Maybe she doesn't remember me after all. Without thinking about it, I get out of the toilet and quickly go to the counter.

As i was about to reach my goal, the voice that made my life so hard these past years, shouted from the toilet.

"Wait !"


Well well, hello guys. I wasn't planning to continue this story cause i wasn't confident about my writing skills and motivation but after the comments, i challenged myself to do better and i'm too attached to the characters that I decided to try continuing this story. I don't think i'll be regular cause i'm very busy but i hope you will be patient.
Thanks for loving this story and i hope i improved !

All my love

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