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Sorry in advance for vocabulary errors or confusion.


And with her brothers and sisters, I guess, she left.

The one crying is still here, on the floor. I was still standing in the living room didn't know what to do.

I decided to approach the girl on the floor to try to communicate.

"Hi." I softly said.

She flinched surprised by my presence.

"Hi you are ?" She said standing up and wiping her tears away.

"Uhm I'm Yeji, classmate of Ryujin." I introduced myself.

"Oh I guess you came not at the best moment." She said embarrassed and started to clean the living room.

"Yeah I guess..." I replied and started cleaning with her.

While cleaning I was observing the house, I have to say that I didn't expect her house to be this chaotic.

Old beer on the couch, cigarettes almost everywhere, toys, sex toys ?....Leftover food, dirt clothes and I'll stop here.

"You can put them in the laundry basket upstairs." She said giving me the dirty clothes.

I nodded and start going upstairs, I stopped at the top pf the stairs seeing a man on the floor, sleeping ?

"Don't worry about him ! Just go he won't wake up soon trust me !" I heard her from downstairs.

I analyzed him and went to find the laundry, there are three bedrooms and one bathroom, I went inside and put the clothes in the laundry basket.

I walked downstairs passing by the old man again. I joined the girl on the living room and sat beside her on the couch.

"And you are ?" I asked her curious.

"Jeongyeon, the oldest" she said calmly taking a beer and starting to drink.

We spent the night talking not about what happened because she didn't seem like talking about it and watching the tv waiting Ryujin and the kids but we fell asleep on the couch around 2am.


I ran at the hospital reception with the kids behind me.

"Shin Liam, some minutes ago." I said all panicking.

The woman in front of me nodded and told me the room.

We all ran and found the doctor leaving the room of Liam.

"Liam's family ?" He said stopping me from running

"Yes can we see him please." I begged him breathless.

"Who is the responsible person of the family ?" He asked looking at us.

I looked behind seeing the kids with fear in their eyes.

"It's me sir." I replied looking back at me.

He let me in and I told the kids to wait outside for me.

I approached Liam's bed and saw him sleeping with many cables on him.

I took his hands delicately and started to keep my tears away but it was hard.

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