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"Are you not happy ?" My dad continued when he saw me completely frozen.

I do have a big brother but no one knows actually, he's Yeonjun. We never been very close, he was always far away from me and my family so we never spent time together. He is the one who's more into our family affairs, that's why I don't really appreciate him, he only think about money. He was sent away from home years ago when I was little, I never knew the reason and even today.

"Should I ?" I replied coldly and continued my way to my bedroom, I closed the door behind me and lay down on my bed exhausted.

Tomorrow is the day of our project, so I decided to practice a little bit again to be sure to memorize the script perfectly.


I woke up very tired from spending the night overthinking. I left my bed anyway and put some clothes that smell not that bad.

I was about to wake up the kids but no one is in their room.

I went downstairs confused and saw Jeongyeon making the breakfast and the kids sitting at the table chatting and arguing about I don't what again.

"I can take care of them myself." I coldly said.

"Look I know I did a mistake and I hurt Liam and you a lot and I regret everything, I spent nights crying Ryujin, I'm really sorry but it never gonna happen again I promise you." She sincerely said with tears in her eyes.

"I can't bear that you ignore me all the time, it hurts me so much Ryujin, you're my pillar in the family." She cried out.

I didn't move and decided to just hug her cause it hurts me too to see her in this state.

Her body trembling against mine and I feel guilty now for being so harsh on her when she's doing so much for this family.

"I'm sorry okay, I was blind by the fact that Liam was in danger, I didn't think if anything else. I'm sorry I didn't think of you and your feelings. I love you so much." I hugged her tighter.

This family is everything I have, I can't let something bad happen to them or I'll go crazy.

We let go each other and start preparing the food and bags for the kids.

"Let's go kids you'll be late if you're eating this slow." I warned them while preparing my coffee.

"That's exactly what we're eating slowly dumby." Felix said and Yuna laughed, even Liam laughed ?

"Hi buddy you don't even understand what he is saying don't mock me !" I scolded him joking and that reminded me of giving him his pills.

The kids are now all gone and I have to finish cleaning the table and and get ready to go to school.

I didn't miss the bus this time I don't smell sweat for once, I mean not that much.

I joined Chan and the group watching them laughing.

"What you're laughing about without me ?" I pouted mocking them.

"Oh hi Ryujin, they were talking about their project and script." Chan said to me laughing at San and Wooyoung that have a very embarrassing scene to do.

I laughed with them and we started entering the class.

I saw Yeji entering with her cute and pretty outfit as always. Someone remind me why she has to be this annoying when she's this pretty and perfect and-

I shook my head and start opening my books acting like I'm actually gonna work when we all know I'm going to chat with Chaeryeong the whole time.

The bell rang and it's finally lunch time. I said bye to Chaeryeong knowing I have to spend the break time with Yeji.

I went out of the class and waited for Yeji.

"Hi let's get in the library it's okay for you ?" I asked her as soon as she walked out of the class.

"Yeah okay let's go."

We took the stairs and started chatting like two adults actually, that's new.

"When are we going to eat ? Did you bring something ? Cause I didn't-" she started

I took out the food I prepared to stop her from talking.

"I prepared everything see ?" I handed her the sandwich I made.

"You made this ?" She asked with a confused face.

"Well I know I'm not the best cook but I did my best so just eat and shut your pretty mouth up please." I sarcastically smiled

"Cooking for me already, I might think you like me." She teased back and I rolled my eyes.

Somehow her teasing makes me getting hot I don't even know why. Me being with Yeji ? Never thought of it, I never had a real relationship tho. I don't do that. But why am I even thinking of it.

We started practicing our project and it went pretty well, she knows her script bye heart and that's a good point. I have to get the best grade of course. We stopped before the kiss bonus and we sat down to eat our sandwich peacefully.

"Why you brother keeps telling I'm a the pretty angel stranger ?" She said and chuckled.

"I don't know, maybe because he never saw a girl staying at the house."

She nodded.

"And you're pretty so that makes sense." I blurted out not realizing what I just said.

I looked at her panicked and saw pink on her cheeks. Did she just blushed or am I crazy ?

We continued to eat in silence and we got ready to walked downstairs to go to the gymnasium where we'll perform the project with the class.

I noticed that she looks kinda nervous so I decided to talk to her.

"Hey don't be nervous okay, only some dickhead will watch us, no need to have pressure." I said laughing and she started to laugh, making me relaxed seeing her less stressed.

The bell rang and our class enter the gymnasium, I went to join my friends and she did the same.
We chatted waiting for the teacher to announce who's gonna perform their project first.


Ryujin's solo today ! Let's stream hard.
All my love

Numb to the feelingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora