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We got on the Chaeryeong's car, Lia is driving with Chaeryeong beside her and Yeji and I at the backseat.

I took my phone to read Jeongyeon's message and replied to her,

I promised to send them a picture on the beach with everyone,

I already miss them so much but it feels nice to enjoy too.

I was about to turn off my phone when I received a notification from Tony,

I got some news, call me when you can.

I instantly stopped breathing and start writing very fast.

Okay I'll call you as soon as I can.

I put my phone in my pocket and stared at through the window at the beautiful sky,

I miss you...


"Hey you don't wanna put some Taylor's song ?" Chaeryeong suddenly asked to Ryujin.

"No thanks I'm sleepy." she shortly replied.

She turned back at looking through the window,

She seems off since she looked at her phone, maybe Karina broke up with her who knows.

And I don't care.

We arrived at the beach 45min later. The beach is pretty empty and the weather is so nice here, I'm going to enjoy this so bad.

We all started to get undressed with our swimsuit under our clothes.

Then we went to take our surfboards, I forgot...
But maybe we all gonna be surprised by my amazing surfing skills.

Lia helped me with mine and we walked to the ocean.

My feet touching the water,

"It's fucking cold." I hissed as the cold water touch my feet.

"You'll get used to it but first let's get warm up." Chaeryeong told us.

We start with some basic warm up on the board then more details movements and we were ready.

"Good luck." Chaeryeong told me before jumping in the water with Lia and their surfboard.

Tsskk why good luck I'm sure I can win this.

I looked around to look for Ryujin and I saw her taking off her shirt,

She's is in a swim short and fuck me, why she has to be so annoying god damn,

I looked away and felt her approaching me.

"You ready ?" She asked me when she reach me.

"More than ever, be ready to loose." I said with a proud smirk.

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