Wait !

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Sorry for any confusion or misunderstanding in advance.

10 years later


"Anyway I have to go now, bye guys." I smiled to my family before taking my jacket.

"Can I come with you one day ?" Liam asked me while pouting and I smiled wider, I bent down to be at his height,

"Why you wanna come with me so bad ?" I asked while rubbing his head.

"I wanna see guns in real life !" He exclaimed and I can't help but chuckle.

"Liam being a cops doesn't mean only guns." I told him and kissed his cheeks before walking out of the house.

It's been 10 years.

Liam is still a baby for me but he's already 14 can you believe it ?

We haven't moved since and it doesn't risk, our daily life is very good and seeing the children grow and flourish every day is important for me.

Of course I've thought about moving more than once... but in the end my whole life is here and it won't change for now.

It's been 10 years now that I escaped from this house running, crying and screaming.

When I learned that Yeonjun had killed my mother that night, the first thing I did was to call Tony, asked for confirmation and their last names was on the list of buyers of this necklace.

There was no doubt that it was him.

After that I don't remember much...

I can finally go to the cemetery, I can finally go there without having this ball in my stomach of not knowing the truth. I can face mom, and tell her everything I have on my heart.

Yeonjun was sentenced to fifty years in prison, after the trial was over I was able to regain control of my life.

And if you wonder where Yeji is, it's been since I ran from her room that I talked to her.

My brain has erased everything related to this story, and Yeji is one of them...

When she learned what her brother had done, she was annihilated. For a year she came to knock on my door crying. I have never been able to open it...

My heart knows that she has nothing to do with it and that our family should not define us but my brain cannot take the step. She's the sister of the murderer of my mother.

After that I never heard of her again.

I was able to succeed in life, become a policeman. Finally have a stable life and be able to support the family.

Jeongyeon is doing well too, she is manager of a little restaurant.

Hyunjin has a family now and I can be more proud of him, he is an amazing dad and husband. He works in the technology industry.

Felix is well more mature now I guess, but don't worry he's still the same. He's 22 now and want to be a policeman too, he's studying hard, at least he tries...

My Yuna is 23 now... She's in the fashion industry and yes her drawings skills paid off...She is an amazing woman and she's still my baby.

And finally Liam, he's our big baby. We love to kiss him until he starts getting angry. He's in school and doing, okay ? I guess so.

I'm so proud of my family and everything we did.

I got into my car and started the engine. Before going to work I decided to go for a coffee in the local café.

Once I arrived, I parked my car in the parking lot and went to the front door walking in my police outfit, which is pretty hot if you ask me.

"Good morning." A woman behind the counter tells me with a smile.

"Good morning ma'am." I replied and I noticed the blush on her cheeks, I immediately smirked. It's been a while okay ? Don't blame me..

I told her my order and I went to sit down at a table. I waited some minutes and my order came. She gave me my coffee and blinked.I took the coffee and the napkin and noticed something on it. I opened the napkin and a number was written on it.

I smirked inside me and drank my coffee slowly enjoying it.

After drinking my last sip of coffee, I decided to go since my shift is starting soon. I stood up and without looking I bumped into a waitress and the whole coffee fell on me.

"Fuck !" I exclaimed and I cursed myself inside.

The waitress was wearing a cap so I couldn't see well her face but she was as upset as me.

I looked down at my uniform and cursed mentally. Karma.

"I'm sorry fuck I didn't see you." She said and I stand there not moving.

"Well me too I guess." I replied still looking at my uniform.

"Follow me I'll try to clean that." She said and disappeared to the toilet. I followed and closed the door behind me.

"Fuck it's my only uniform." I mumbled

Then suddenly she took some paper and wet them to try to clean my uniform.

I flinched at the contact of her hand on my stomach. I wonder how she looks behind this cap.

She continued to wipe my uniform and I tried to look at her more closely.

Her hair is a light ginger with a ponytail, she wears this black cap and she's smaller than me so I can't see her face well but her jawline is sharp and I want to- anyway yes.

"I don't think it'll be very clean and you'll smell the coffee but at least I did my best." She said throwing the papers in the trash.

I nodded and pushed back my blonde hair waiting for her next action. I was about to speak when her colleague called her.


"Yeji ! Come here !" She exclaimed and I was about to stop the girl but I froze and she left.

Yeji ?

I mean many people could have Yeji as their name right ?

But this jawline...this ponytail...this perfume...this body...

"Wait !" I screamed


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