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I walked as fast as I can downstairs looking for Ryujin.

I decided to walk direction the exit knowing she'll probably just leave the school.

I noticed a blonde girl walking fast to the exit.

"Ryujin ! Wait !" I screamed trying to get her attention.

She didn't stop, of course come on.

I started to run.

I got closer to her and stepped in front of her to stop her.

I noticed her bleeding arch as soon as I lay my eyes on her face. She looks empty.

"I don't have your time what do you want ?" She said not looking at me but behind me, looking outside.

"Can we finish the lesson ?? I don't have to miss a lesson just because of your fucking ego." I said irrited by her actions.

She finally looked at me with an intense expression, she clenched her jaw and took me by my collar.

"Don't fucking talk to me like that, you know nothing about me." She angrily said too close to my face.

"Give me the money." she continued letting me go.

I can't believe this woman, who she thinks she is ?!

"Don't dare to touch me again or I'll kill you do you hear me ?" I replied angrily.

"And of course I'll give you 80$ for 10min of work, sure little genius." I sarcastically said.

She rolled her eyes, and I acted like I was taking out my money in my pocket but I showed her my middle finger.

"There." I sarcastically smiled.

"Fuck you." She said walking past me and pushing me on her way.

I swear to god one day I'll kill her in her sleep and cut her dick.


I went straight home after the fight, with no money...

I put the 80$ from yesterday in the boxe to pay the rent. Everyone put their money in this box everytime they got some money. Everyone participate to pay the house, except Liam, still too young but soon.

I took off my jacket on the couch and took my phone.

I texted Tony,

Hi Tony, still no news ?

Hi Ryujin, no we're still searching information about the necklace, sorry.

Okay, thanks.

I threw my phone on the couch and sighed.

Where the hell are you, criminal.

I was about to close my eyes when I heard my phone ringing.

"Hi Chaer how are you ?" I answered.

"Hi Ryu ! I'm very good. I was with Lia sorry for not updating you." She said.

"No it's okay don't worry, I bet you had fun uh." I mockingly said.

"Leave me alone pervert !" She said and we laughed.

"Look I have a news for you ! Lia and me are going to a little trip to the beach next weekend, she's taking her cousin with her and she asked me to take someone too." she started.

"Chaeryeon-" I started.

"Hey I know but don't worry I already talked to Jeongyeon, she'll take her of the kids there's no problem she even pushed me to take you !" She commented and chuckled.

"....Okay then." I started.
"But no sex when I'm in the house with you guys !" I continued.

"Yah ! You pervert. And you too with her cousin ! I know you Shin Ryujin !"

"I don't know what you're talking about, plus it'll depend, if she looks good then..-"

"SHIN RYUJIN !" She screamed and I laughed.

"Alright bye see you in school !" I said and hang up.

I went upstairs to take a shower,

I looked in the mirror of the bathroom, I'm too lazy to take care of my bleeding arch. I'll just put some water on, plus we don't have anything.

I should buy some thing for the kids, we never they could get hurt anytime.
I sighed and took off my clothes, went to shower and let the cold water running down on my body.

I thought about the trip and I don't even know if I have a fucking suitcase, this shit is expensive !

I got out of the shower and dressed up.

I heard a sound downstairs, but the kids are in school and Jeongyeon is working.

The fuck is that.

I walked down the stairs discreetly and looked at the living.


"Dowon ? Seriously..." I walked in his direction.

He's laying on the floor, he passed out, again.

He is most of his time in the bar, and when he passed out people take him to our house and just leave him on the floor.

"Ryujin.." I heard him mumbling.

I walked over his body to close the door.

"Hey...I'm your dad...take care of me.." he whispered eyes closed.

The tears are coming in my eyes. I won't shed a tear for him. I won't.

"Yes you're my dad, exactly." I coldly replied passing over is body a second time and walking to my bedroom leaving his body in the living room. I didn't hear a thing so I guess he just passed out as always.

"I hate him." I said letting go my anger to on pillow.

I calmed down and went to my bed putting the blanket on my cold body.

I just wanna sleep and never wake up...

I put my alarm for 7am and fell asleep from exhaustion at literally 4pm.

I'm finally dreaming,

The only place I can meet her,

Mom... I miss you.


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