Chapter 4: Sorry, "Your Highness"

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As Charlie approaches the imps, they turn to face her, their tiny eyes glinting in the sunlight. A particularly tough-looking one steps forward and asks, "What do you want?"

Charlie introduces herself, "Hi, I'm Charlie."

The imp looks at her skeptically, sizing her up. "What do you want, Charlie?" it repeats, its voice gruff and impatient. She takes a deep breath and tries to sound confident.

"I wanted to offer you some cupcakes and a flyer for my hotel," she says.

The imp eyes her up and down, considering her offer. After a moment of silence, it snorts and says, "We don't need any more food or flyers from a sinner like you. Leave us alone."

"Oh. the way, I'm not a sinner. I'm hellborn." The imp eyes Charlie suspiciously, but doesn't say anything. She notices that the other imps in the group seem to be sizing her up too, as if trying to determine if she's lying.

"Then what are you?" one asks, "You look kinda like a human, but you said you're not a sinner. And you sure don't look like any other hellborn species."

Charlie chuckles, trying to sound friendly, "Well.... I"m..... uhh....... Kind of.... The princess of Hell..."

The imps look at her with a mix of confusion and amusement. "The princess of Hell?" one of them says, scoffing. "Please. You? No way."

She rolls her eyes, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Yeah, well, it's not like I wear a crown or anything. But I am the daughter of the king and queen of Hell."

The imps start to chuckle at her words, then they abruptly stop and stare nervously. "....R-Really?" another asks, nervously. The imps look at each other, then back at Charlie.

She nods, feeling a bit self-conscious. "Yeah. Lucifer is my father." The imps look at each other, then back at her. Then they quickly fall to their knees and start apologizing.

"Oh, please forgive us, Princess! We didn't realize. We're so so sorry!"

Charlie feels a bit embarrassed, "It's fine. I forgive you."

"Y-You forgive us?" They reply, surprised.

"Yeah, it was an honest mistake," Charlie responds.

As she walks away, she can hear them whisper to themselves, "Wow, I can't believe that the princess of hell would be such a goodie-two-shoes," One says.

"What a joke," Says another.

"I bet her parents are disappointed in her! I know I would be!" Says the third.

Charlie stands for a second in shock before she starts to feel tears running down her cheeks, and she starts to run.

She can hear their whispers and insults following her as she runs, but she doesn't care. She just needs to get away from them and the overwhelming constant reminder that she's not accepted in Hell.

She runs into a nearby "fun house" that is empty, and she collapses on the floor and starts crying. A few seconds later Vaggie comes running in alone. Razzle and Dazzle must have gotten her.

Vaggie rushes to Charlie's side, kneeling down beside her and placing a comforting hand on her back. "Hey, it's okay," she says softly. "I'm here for you."

Charlie sniffles and takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. "I just need a moment," she says, wiping away her tears. Vaggie nods, understanding.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asks, looking at Charlie with concern. Charlie shakes her head, still feeling overwhelmed. "No, I just need a moment," she repeats, trying to compose herself.

Vaggie nods again, still sitting beside her. "Okay, take all the time you need," she says, giving her a small smile. Charlie takes a deep breath and looks up at her.

"Thank you," she says, feeling grateful for her support. Vaggie smiles at her, her eyes filled with warmth and affection. "Of course, Charlie. I'll always be here for you."

Charlie feels a weight lifted off her shoulders as she looks at Vaggie. She knows that she can always count on her, no matter what. Vaggie stands up and stretches, her body moving gracefully.

"So, what do you want to do now?" she asks, looking at Charlie expectantly. Charlie stands up and wipes away her tears, feeling a bit better. "I don't know."

She looks around the empty fun house, feeling lost. Vaggie takes Charlie's hand and leads her out of the fun house. "Let's go for a walk," she suggests, pulling her towards the entrance.

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