Chapter 9: A Grave Error

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As the elevator smoothly ascends, Charlie prepares to visit Alastor's radio tower. Walking down the hallway, she enters to find Alastor immersed in his radio broadcast, passionately extolling the virtues of old technology. His disdain for modern devices, especially Vox's television, becomes evident as he continues his vintage-themed monologue.

Knocking on the door, she gains entrance, and Alastor greets her with his eerie permanent smile. "Hello there, Charlie. What brings you here?" he asks in his old-timey radio voice.

"Just checking on you," Charlie replies, observing the vintage equipment surrounding him.

"I'm doing well," Alastor assures, prompting her to propose a walk. She replies, "Just checking on you."

Alastor nods and says, "I'm doing well."

She nods and says, "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go for a walk?" He replies puzzled, "May I ask why?"

"I just want to try and show you that there is some good in demons," she explains, hopeful to challenge his cynical perspective.

Alastor nods and says, "I highly doubt that. As you already know. But If this will make you stop, then fine."

She takes a deep breath and replies, "Good enough for me."

He responds, "Now, where are we going? Because like I said there is at a place in Pride with a group of good individuals. Because like I keep telling you. Inside of every demon is a lost cause. I mean every sinner here is bad. Because if they winded up in hell then they sure aren't good souls."

Charlie sighs before retorting, "Even so, you can't say with full certainty that everyone is evil. I still believe that there is a rainbow inside every demon."

He shrugs, "Agree to disagree. Let's go."

Exiting the tower, they traverse the streets of the Pride Ring. Observing the diverse array of sinners, each embodying their unique lives and experiences. And deaths.

As they continue walking Alastor asks Charlie a question, "So what are the other rings like? I assume you been to others."

Charlie smiles and replies, "I have been to all of the other rings. Each one is unique, but all of them have their own charms. It was mostly for royal duties with my father; like meeting the other royals."

Alastor nods and asks, "Such as the deadly princes?"

She nods and says, "Yes, I have."

Alastor smiles wider and wistfully remarks, "Oh what I wouldn't give to have that kind of power."

She raises an eyebrow at him before saying, "I thought you didn't crave power."

Alastor nods, lightly shrugs, and says, "Well, I don't, but who wouldn't want that kind of power?"

She replies, "mmhm..... right..... well anyways, why the questions about the Rings?"

Alastor shrugs and says, "Just curious. Most since us sinners can't traverse the other 6 rings."

She nods and says, "Fair enough."

"I wonder why....." he asks, looking you.

When you don't resond he changes the subject, "What is your favorite ring? Besides Pride that is."

She replies, "Well, probably sloth. Simply because of the beauty of it."

Alastor nods in agreement, "I suppose that would do it."

You continue, "And they probably owe that fact that its residents are so lazy that they don't bother with being evil."

He laughs then continues, "Funny, the only people in hell, not acting evil, are the people who are too lazy to do anything, including sin. Which in itself is a sin (sloth)!"

Charlie doesn't laugh.

Continuing the walk, they encounter a lone sinner brandishing a knife, demanding valuables. Alastor, rather than fearing the threat, bursts into laughter, finding amusement in the situation. The sinner, bewildered, retorts, "What's so funny? Want me to kill ya?"

"The joke is you. But since you are obviously a new soul, I'll give you a second chance. Apologize," Alastor commands. The sinner hesitates, and Charlie pleads with him, "Please! Leave!"

The sinner hesitates for a moment before he lunges forward. Alastor quickly summons his shadows and them tentacle around him, constricting his moments. Alastor continues laughing before staring at him in full demon mode, "For a brief history lesson. I am the Radio Demon. Someone who is not to trifled with." Then he throws the sinner across the city.

Charlie watches in horror as the sinner is thrown into the air, before crashing back down onto the pavement with a sickening thud. The sinner lies motionless on the ground, blood pooling around him.

Alastor, seemingly unfazed, says, "I say we head home now."

Charlie is still in shock and all she can muster is a sad, stiff nod.

As they walk home he asks her, "Are you really about to cry over that? So I hurt him, he was about to try to stab you! Even though it wouldn't have done anything, it was still fact that he tried it. Besides it not like he died or anything; after all, this is our eternal punishment. Serves him right anyways, for him to have to go through a few days of grueling healing, he'll be right as rain. So no hard feelings."

She still can't respond.

Alastor chuckles and continues walking, "Come on, don't be so sensitive. That's your problem Charlie, you are so nice you let everyone walk all over you. Even when your life could be on the line, you still won't defend yourself because of your pacifistic ways! Maybe that's why the sinners keep trying to kill the princess of hell because they know they could get away unscathed. I mean come on, you don't even have to kill them! Just seriously maim them or something! They'll just regenerate soon after anyways!"

Charlie hears his words and hears some of the sense behind them but just can't agree.

She tries to explain, "But i have to set an example. If i won't hurt them, maybe they wont hurt me. And what kind of demon rehabilitater would i be if i was just annihilating all who cross me."

Alastor rolls his eyes, "You're such a softie, Charlie. I don't know how you've lasted this long in hell."

They both continue the walk home in silence.

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