Chapter 17: Fancy Meeting You Here

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The 3 Vees-Vox, Valentino, and Velvette-accompanied by Missi Zilla are sitting, discussing something. Charlie quickly tries to hide behind Vaggie, overhearing Vox saying to Missi, "Why don't you join up with us? It would help us both." Missi Zilla smiles coyly and replies with a series of growls. Vox responds, "I know you're powerful and are running thriving without our help. But come on, even so, with my help, it could become even MORE popular! We could both thrive!" Missi replies judgmentally with a series of cynical, caustic growls. Vox looks surprised and evasively retorts, "Don't be so quick to judge, Missi. We just want to help." Velvette adds, "And besides, we just want what's best for us all." Missi replies judgmentally with a series of cynical, caustic growls.

Vox looks surprised and evasively replies, "What? No! I have never, would never, ever do that. Especially to my business partners, who got me here." Valentino attempts to help Vox; he adds, "Missi, I'm sure we can work something out. Just give us a chance to prove ourselves trustworthy." Missi lets out a terrifying sound that slightly resembles a laugh. Velvette looks at Missi with a mixture of fear and disgust, while Vox and Valentino exchange a worried glance.

Missi stands up, towering over everyone in the room. She growls, "I don't need your help, Vox. I don't need anyone's help. I can handle myself just fine." Vox patronizingly retorts, "Oh really? Then what's with requesting Lucifer's help? Turned out for you in the end, right? He got a new pawn in his game, and you some more power. Yet in the end, all you are is his little pet." Missi Zilla lets out a furious low growl, her eyes flashing with anger.

She leans towards Vox, her claws glinting in the dim light of the room.

She snarls.

Vox flinches back, his eyes widening in slight fear, realizing he might have gone too far. Missi continues growling.

Vox backs away, his screen turning red with embarrassment and fear.

Velvette defensively retorts, "Oh yeah? I'd like you to see you try!"

Valentino defensively attempts to (partially) mediate and keep the peace, "Come on now. Let's all just calm down."

Missi growls more, gesturing to the door. Vox, unwilling to argue, leaves, accompanied by the Vees. Valentino grumbles to the others, "Way to go, Vox. You butchered that meeting."

Velvette adds, "There goes our chances of recruiting her."

Vox tries to defend himself, "It's not like she was ever going to accept! At least she didn't attack."

Valentino adds, "I wouldn't put to past her."

Velvette taunts, "Really guys? I thought we were 'the Vees'. You know, the most powerful trio of overlords in Hell?"

Vox corrects her, "We are one of the. We are the most influential, and I could probably wreck most. Especially with your help. But Missi is an overlord from her strength. (He shivers) Like Alastor, but lesser."

Valentino says, "Don't forget Carmilla."

Vox replies, "Ugh. Well she's the one who insists on not playing fair and using angelic weapons!"

Velvette asks, "I thought you were stronger than Alastor?"

Vox doesn't answer. Then they exit

Missi looks around the room, and her eyes fall on Charlie. She stares around the room for a moment before turning her attention back to Charlie.

Charlie gets nervous; Missi Zilla is a giggling, power-hungry, and single-minded predator who kills and torments anything that crosses her path and is seemingly devoid of any desires beyond gaining more power and spreading death and carnage. She serves as a representation of what demons were like in Hell's olden days. Although she is noted by the King of Hell to be the "life of the party" during his annual Halloween gatherings with the Overlords. She is mute and never speaks, though it is clear from her insane expressions, methods of killing, and giggling that she revels in her atrocities. She approaches Charlie and Vaggie with a smile on her face, her eyes gleaming with malice.

She growls. Charlie can hear the mocking in her tone as she growls the final "sentence".

Charlie replies caustically, "This is my girlfriend, Vaggie. (Not that she deserves to know that) We're just out and decided to hang out here. Is there a problem?"

Missi chuckles and growls.

Charlie can feel their heart pounding in their chest as Missi steps closer to them, her eyes boring into theirs. They can see the hunger in her gaze, the need to dominate and control. Charlie takes a deep breath, trying to steady their nerves. They know that Missi is dangerous, but they also know that she can be unpredictable. They need to stay calm and collected if they want to avoid a fight. She lets out a low growl.

They both shake their heads. Vaggie whispers to Charlie, "I don't like her. Can we leave?"

Charlie whispers back, "There goes our date night."

Missi growls.

As they both stand up, Missi growls mockingly.

They both ignore her. As they both approach the exit, two of Missi's friends, Rex and Raptor, try to egg them on. They get tired of it and open a portal.

Rex yells, "Woah, woah! No portals allowed. Didn't you read the rules?"

Raptor turns to him, "Since when do we have rules?"

Rex replies, "Since Zilla showed up!"

Charlie turns around as they walk through the portal, "Princess privilege. Sorry! Bye, Missi!"

Missi sighs and growls something incoherent, well, more than usual.

As they both step outside the hotel, Charlie apologizes to Vaggie.

"I'm sorry that our date didn't go as planned."

Vaggie replies, "No. No. Mi amor. It was wonderful. Just getting to spend time with you."

Charlie sighs, "I just wish Missi hadn't showed up. Or that there was some place in Pride that wouldn't ruin the moment."

They both hug.

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