Chapter 41: A New Year

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Charlie awakens later in the day, stretching her arms and legs. Despite the lingering tragedy from yesterday, she feels rejuvenated. After dressing, she descends to the Hazbin Hotel's lobby, where her staff awaits.

"Good morning, Charlie," greets Vaggie with a smile, attempting to sound upbeat.

"Morning, Vaggie," Charlie replies, returning the smile and striving for an upbeat tone. "What's on the agenda for today?"

Vaggie's smile fades as she glances at the other staff members. "Not much," she admits.

Charlie nods. "Well, let's start with some breakfast. I'm starving," she suggests, leading the way to the dining area.

Seated at the table, Niffty brings over a plate of freshly made pancakes and bacon. "Thank you, Niffty," Charlie expresses, taking a bite. "This is amazing."

Niffty grins. "Glad you like it, Charlie."

Angel Dust pipes up, "So, Charls, what's the plan for today? Are we aiming to recruit new guests?"

Charlie dismisses the suggestion, shaking her head. "Not today, Angel. I want to concentrate on enhancing the experiences of our current guests."

Alastor interjects, "All two of them? Well, that sounds dreadfully boring. I was hoping for more chaos and mayhem."

"I believe we had enough of that yesterday," Charlie responds with a sigh.

Alastor shrugs. "Suit yourself. I'll find my own entertainment then," he says, grinning, and disappears into a shadow.

Charlie, accustomed to his antics, rolls her eyes. "Anyway, Vaggie, do we have any guest feedback forms to go through?" she asks, turning to her. Vaggie nods. "One. From... Sir Pentious."

Continuing, "He mentions, 'Can you tell Angel to stop making fun of my inventions? They are a work in progress!'."

Charlie sighs, addressing Angel Dust, "Angel..."

He nonchalantly shrugs, "What? It's not my fault he can't build a half-decent thing. Maybe if he could, he would finally become an overlord and leave."

Charlie sighs again. "Angel, we can't have our guests feeling disrespected and mocked," she asserts, trying to convey the importance, "We're here to assist them, not belittle them."

Angel Dust grumbles but nods in agreement. "Okay, I'll try to be more professional. But technically, I'm a guest too. So I think that means I don't have to be held to the same standard and rules as the rest of you, especially with 'manners' and 'kindness'." Vaggie sighs exasperatedly.

"Angel, being a guest doesn't excuse rudeness and disrespect. We all have to collaborate here, treating each other with respect and kindness," she emphasizes firmly.

Angel Dust grumbles but nods in agreement, acknowledging Vaggie's unwavering stance. "Okay, okay, I get it. I'll try to be better," he mutters under his breath.

Charlie gives him a small, relieved smile. "Good. Let's get back to work then," she says, addressing the rest of the staff, "We've got a lot of work to do if we want to make this hotel a success."

Angel grins sarcastically. "Thrilled to have my rebellious tendencies under control. Whatever," he says before walking away.

Charlie and Vaggie meticulously survey the entire hotel, encountering a sea of empty rooms and a lack of activity. Husk idles with a drink in hand, the once lively front desk now devoid of patrons. Niffty diligently cleans the already pristine floor, driven by an unwavering pursuit of perfection that prompts her to declare, "'Spotless' is not perfect enough!" to Charlie.

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