Chapter 23: Midnight Menace

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The Next Morning....

As she wakes up, the smell of bacon and coffee fills her nostrils. She only really got a couple of hours of sleep after her late night return from Ozzie's with Vaggie. She sits up in bed and rubs her eyes. Luckily, due to her half-angelic genes, she don't really require much of the usual stuff required (without side effects; as opposed to how sinners technically don't need to eat but will still suffer from hunger nonetheless if they don't.), such as food, drink, or sleep. But it's still good to get a good night's rest. Then she remembers last night's events.; specifically, Alastor's. She groans as she remembers the sound of screams and the sight of his demonic form. Since he agreed to not use it when he agreed to try and be less evil.

She is sickened by the thought of all the people he probably killed. And for what? What was he doing? Why was he doing it? In hindsight, it probably wasn't the best idea to fully trust one of the most feared (and powerful) overlords in Hell. But what is life without trust? She is debating how to go about this. She could confront him and demand answers, or she could try and reason with him, or she could just ignore it and go about her day.

She decides to confront him. She gets dressed and heads to his office. As she enters the radio tower (an extension of the hotel), she sees him sitting behind his desk, reading a script. He has the same smug (permanent) smile. She approaches him. "Alastor, I need to talk to you about last night."

She pauses for a moment, trying to gauge his reaction. He looks up from his paper and gives her a smile. "What about it?" he asks, his tone honest but distant.

She takes a deep breath, trying to keep her cool. "I just wanted to know why you did what you did. Why did you go and kill those people? Why did you destroy the city?"

Alastor chuckles, his eyes glinting with amusement. "I like to watch the world burn," he says, licking his lips. She feels a surge of anger and frustration. "You're a monster!"

He replies to her amused, "Well, yeah. Obviously. What took you so long?" She stares at him furiously.

Then he stands up and says, "But I'm the only 'monster' willing to 'help' with this hopelessly impossible dream of yours." She isn't sure how to respond.

Alastor sighs and laughs, "All just a joke, my dear. (Not a very funny one; especially to Charlie). But if you must know. I did it to help my friend, Rosie. I'm sure you know or at least have heard of her."

Charlie is confused. So he explains, "Well, Rosie is a very dear friend of mine. And usually, she can handle herself, even though she is one of the weaker overlords, she is still powerful. I just recently found out that Rosie was missing, or more accurately, kidnapped. The culprit was quite obvious. Vox. What would Rosie even hope to do against him? So Niffty, Husker, and I, along with my minions and shadows, went to go confront him. I may be powerful, but I'm not stupid or egotistical enough to confront the three Vees alone. So, I went 'full demon,' and we all strategically attacked their properties, luring them away and rescuing Rosie. Then I blew up a third of Vogitek HQ." Charlie is stunned. She stammers out, "Well, that's quite a story."

Then she composes herself and continues, "But, while I liked your cause, it was quite noble of you. I do not approve of your method. You terrorized billions in Pentagram City. You caused tons of property damage. You harmed countless sinners, and even though they normally would just regenerate or respawn; I've heard of your methods, of trapping sinners in your pocket dimension to torture them for eternity and then broadcasting it over your radio!"

He shrugs. "What can I say? I'm a monster."

He chuckles to himself as he walks away. She tries to follow him, but he just shadow teleports away. She is still frustrated at him. But since he's gone, she has more important things to do.

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