Chapter 51: Rock and Shock

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Nestled amidst clouds of heavenly radiance, the imposing mansion of Adam, the chief exorcist, stands tall. Its towering spires reach towards the heavens in a testament to Adam's pride and authority. Entering through the gilded gates, one is greeted by sprawling gardens adorned with vibrant blooms and meticulously manicured hedges, reflecting Adam's meticulous attention to detail.

The mansion itself rises like a beacon of divine opulence, its marble façade gleaming in the eternal sunlight. Ornate columns and intricate carvings adorn every surface. Inside, the halls echo with the hushed whispers of angelic attendants, their footsteps muffled by plush carpets leading to chambers of unparalleled luxury and splendor. Portraits and sculptures of Adam depict him in poses of regal authority throughout the mansion, exuding an aura of unwavering confidence and self-assurance.

In his office, Adam reclines in his chair, his feet propped up on the desk amidst rock memorabilia and instruments. He absentmindedly strums his guitar-axe, a smirk playing on his lips as he revels in his own self-importance. Suddenly, the door creaks open, and Lute enters, her expression stoic as always.

Lute's presence snaps him out of his reverie, and he looks up, a smirk playing on his lips. "Well, if it isn't my trusty lieutenant. What brings you to my humble abode, Lute?"

Approaching with purpose, Lute's expression remains stoic as always. "Adam, I have some news: Uriel and Saint Peter paid me a visit."

Adam's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Oh? What did those sanctimonious pricks want?"

"They were asking about the hotel," Lute replies, her tone tinged with disdain. "They seemed... intrigued by its purpose."

Adam's smirk darkens into a grin. "Intrigued, you say? Well, well, well, looks like their little project has caught the attention of the higher-ups. Did you give them any details. Did they agree with our notion?"

Lute hesitates for a moment before answering. "I told them what they needed to know. That it's a misguided attempt at redeeming demons. Nothing more was said."

Adam chuckles darkly. "And are they aware of our little 'off-the-book' excursion?"

Maintaining her usual stoic demeanor, Lute replies crisply, "No, sir."

She hesitates for a moment before adding, "May I ask why we didn't report? Other than traveling to Hell outside of Extermination Day."

Adam's expression turns serious as he stands up abruptly, his movements exuding authority. "That wasn't why. We're angels, Lute! We can do whatever the fuck we want. Who gives a shit if we go down there whenever we want? I didn't report it because..." He pauses, his gaze piercing as he locked eyes with Lute, searching for the right words to convey his frustration. "Because it's not their concern, Lute. What we do, how we handle matters-it's none of their damn business. We're the ones in charge here. We answer to no one but ourselves."

Lute nods, her expression impassive. "Understood, sir," she replies, her voice loyal despite the weight of Adam's words.

Adam's smirk returns, a glimmer of malice dancing in his eyes. "Good. Now, let's focus on more pressing matters. Like what we're going to do about those pesky demons in the Hazbin Hotel."

"Ah, the Hazbin Hotel," Adam muses, pacing back and forth in his office. "Seems like it's causing quite the stir lately."

Lute nods in agreement. "Indeed, sir. But there is a... second issue that requires your attention. The Seraphim Sisters have requested a meeting with us."

Adam responds, "The Seraphim Sisters? What do those holy harpies want now?"

Lute replies, "I'm not sure, sir. They didn't specify the purpose of the meeting."

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