Chapter 25: The A-Hole

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The next morning, Charlie wakes up to the sound of... something.

She gets dressed in her usual red pantsuit and uses a bit of magic to quickly do her makeup. Then she exits her room. Razzle and Dazzle are standing guard outside her door at the end of the hallway, like usual. They "bleat" at her greetingly, and she pats their heads.

Then, Alastor appears next to her through his shadows, startling her. He says, "Good morning, my dear. Sleep well?"

Before she can reply, he laughs at his rhetorically comment and continues, "By the way, do you think you could be kind enough to join us on the roof? Preferably now."

Then he teleports (presumably back) to the roof. Charlie is confused by his odd request but shrugs. She, Razzle, and Dazzle all head to the roof. She sees the entire gang there. Except, they all look aggressive. They are all facing off the roof. Niffty is wielding a large needle, Vaggie is holding her angelic spear tightly, Alastor is still smiling sadistically but still gripping his staff intensely, Husk is readying his illusion spells, Angel is holding a tommy gun, and Sir Pentious is shakingly holding a long chain (weapon).

Then she sees the problem. Flying above the hotel is a group of fourteen... exorcists! At their head is an exorcist with a humanoid appearance, his face appears similar to the heads of the normal exorcists, however, with normal-looking eyes and golden-colored facial expressions. His head also holds a pair of horns similar to an exorcist, albeit longer, smoother, and with a golden ornamental attachment on the tip of the horns. He wears a smooth white and golden cloak. The cloak appears to have a large 'A' symbol emblazoned on the front.

His visible hands are black in appearance. He also has a pair of large and golden-colored wings on his back. He is also, surprisingly and uniquely, a male exorcist. By his side is another exorcist, albeit much more normal-looking and female (as in, like the rest of the exorcists).

When the lead exterminator sees her, he begins to fly closer. Soon, he is hovering directly in front of her, but still off the edge of the hotel roof, his wings flapping. He looks her up and down (very derogatorily) and smirks.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the little missy who thinks that redemption for sinners is possible." He says mockingly before laughing at her.

Wiping a tear from his eye, he continues, "I'd introduce myself, but I don't think I need to. And I'd ask you to introduce yourself, but I don't really care."

He smirks again before turning his attention to Vaggie.

"And who might you be?" he asks patronizingly, eyeing her misogynistically.

Vaggie steps forward, her angelic spear at the ready, "Someone you don't want to mess with."

He looks at her with (mock) fear before bursting out into laughter again. "Oh really? Well shiver-me-timbers. I'm really scared. You know I could level an entire city block if I wanted to." She says, drawing attention to his angelic guitar.

Charlie clears her throat and tells him, "Why are you here? Extermination Day is still a couple of months away." He sighs before turning his head to look at the clock tower.

Then he sarcastically remarks, "Really now? Well, thanks for letting me know!"

Charlie stares at him, annoyed, "I don't think my dad would approve of having some angels here, not on Extermination Day."

He looks at her confused with mock fear, "Oh no! Please don't tell your daddy!" He laughs before continuing, "Listen, sweetie, I don't give a fuck who your daddy is. Nor do I give a shit about what he wants." Charlie steps back sassily and puts her hands on her hips.

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