Chapter 22: Date Night! Pt 2

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Charlie exits her room and heads to her office. Upon entering, she sees Vaggie standing there, looking stunning as she tries to untangle her hair. Blushing, Vaggie greets her with a shy, "Hey."

"Hey, Vaggie," Charlie says, walking over to her.

Having prepared raincoats for their journey to Lust, Charlie holds Vaggie's hand as they walk out of the office. Charlie snaps her fingers, opening a portal to an alley near Ozzie's. Stepping out, they put on raincoats as Razzle and Dazzle wave goodbye. Charlie and Vaggie walk down the alleyway, arriving at the busy street next to Ozzie's.

Vaggie admires the neon beauty of Lust, a city filled with pretty purple, light blue, and pink lights. Charlie and Vaggie approach the front of the line, stopped by a tall bouncer, a half-incubus, and half-imp. The bouncer questions them about a reservation.

"Well, uh, no," Charlie stutters, and Vaggie adds, "No."

Trying to act confident, Charlie says, "But I'm sure you can let us in." The bouncer remains skeptical. Charlie decides to use her powers, holding up her hand to his face, stating, "You will let us in." The bouncer robotically complies, and Charlie adds, "And you will forget you ever saw us." The bouncer agrees, allowing them entry.

Charlie feels uneasy about using her powers, particularly cerebrokinesis, but they proceed inside. They find a table directly in front of the main stage, and a tiny succu-imp takes their drink orders. Charlie and Vaggie remove their raincoats, using perception manipulation and hallucikinesis to blend in as normal guests.

Vaggie comments on the place, and Charlie reassures her, "Yeah, I'm not a big fan of it either, but it's better than some places in the Pride Ring."

Soon a male incubus approaches their table with their waters. He asks, "Now, what can I get you ladies for dinner tonight?" Before either of them can reply, the show starts.

The stage is black and smooth, with several spotlights illuminating a large group of sinners surrounding a table with a pentagram drawn in chalk on the table. The music is louder and more intense than ever.

The lights go down, and a cybernetic imp leaps onto the stage. So, the show host for the night is Fizzarolli.

Fizzaroli starts off by announcing,
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I see some sexy faces around her tonight. Welcome! Welcome! To Ozzie's! Lust Ring's number one place for all kinds of sick twisted fantasies, put on display for all you sleaze and sleazettes. The gem joint of Asmodeus himself! Come on! Give him some love!"

The crowd cheers.

Fizzaroli continues, "I am the one and only Fizzaroli. Some of you might recognize this dashing clown face from my numerous toy-botic replicas around the Rings of Hell.
Gloriously designed by the big man himself, and (uh), ribbed for your pleasure tonight. We have a great line up here tonight: Verosika Mayday, wet dream, and 'The Squirters'! Now as everyone's warming up, I got a funny one for ya. Did any of you hear about that hotel in the Pride Ring? Oh yeah, wow. The fact that the princess herself is leading this attempt at redeeming sinners! My Satan.... Anyways, without wasting anymore time, our opening act is a fresh one; coming at us from a brand new perspective. A brand new preformer. She's a real crowd pleaser, and she's knock your pants off! This is going to be awesome! (I hope)."

After finishing his announcement, he stretches his robotic limbs and moves to the galley and sits nexts to Asmodeus. He is wearing a lined purple coat with pointed shoulder pads and collar that has a pink inner lining. The coat also contains a dark fur collar that obscures his head. In his concealed form, he definitely looks a lot less threatening than he does in his normal form. Then, the crowd cheers as the new preformer begins her performance. As she starts to dance, her body moves with a fluid grace that makes the crowd go crazy. Her movements are sensual and provocative.

She moves her hips with a hypnotic rhythm, her body swaying in time with the music. Then she starts to sing. Her voice is soft and sultry, like honey on a warm day. The words of her song are a mix of passion and amorousness, and the crowd's reaction is a mix of awe and arousal. As she finishes her song, the crowd erupts into cheers and applause, clapping and hollering in appreciation.

As she walks off the stage, Fizzaroli leaps back on the stage and calms the crowd. Because this is a "'classy' joint".

He clears his throat and speaks in his host voice, "Now. Now. Settle down!"

The crowd quiets downs and Fizzaroli clears his throat and continues, "Anyways.... What an excellent performance! That was really something! And now, on to our next act. This one's a big one! Clap your hand together, for the one, the only, Verosika Mayday!"

Veroskia Mayday steps onto the stage with a sultry stride, her body moving with a dancer's grace. She mesmerizes the audience with her seductive performance, and Charlie, immune to such influences, admires her talent. As the night continues, Charlie and Vaggie talk and enjoy the atmosphere.

As Verosika struts off the stage, Fizzaroli returns. "Wonderful! Wonderful!
Verosika, you were incredible!" Fizzaroli exclaims, his eyes glinting with excitement.

"Now, While the next act prepares, we're just gonna play some music to set the mood. Nobody get too crazy. Ya bunch of kinky bastards." A jazz band rises from the stage floor and begins playing some mood music.

Charlie and Vaggie talk. "Classy joint."
Vaggie snickers thoughtfully.

Charlie's scratch the back of her neck embarrassed, "Yeah..."

Vaggie laughs, "No. No. it's great here. Way better than anywhere in Pride."

Charlie nods, relieved. "Good. It's a nice change from the usual stuff, with all the other sinners destroying things and being rowdy jerks."

Vaggie grins mischievously. "It's always worth it with good company."

Charlie chuckles, "Thanks, Vaggie. You're always there for me."

Vaggie leans in closer to her, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "This place is awesome," she whispers, "It's just so romantic." Charlie nods in agreement, taking in the vibrant colors and sounds of the room.

She continues, "We should start having date night more often."

As the evening nears midnight, Charlie opens a portal back to the alleyway. She and Vaggie say their goodnights, and Charlie reflects on the wonderful day in her room. It's been a day of solving problems, a successful date night, and overall, a positive experience.

Lying in bed, Charlie relaxes, content with the events of the day.

Later, Charlie awakens with a jolt. Afterwards she steps out onto her balcony and looks out at Pentagram City. She notices; it's unusually quiet. She uses a bit of clairvoyance and scries on the city. The streets are empty. Almost empty. The only people in the roads is Alastor. Accompanied by Husk, Niffty, several tiny doll-like creatures, and many shadow monsters. Disturbingly, Alastor is in his full demon mode, he is much taller in size, being around 40 feet tall, with his hands and fingers especially growing in size and spawning long, red claws, and the antlers on his head growing much longer and more spindly, loosely resembling tree branches.

His eyes also become entirely red (or black in some areas), and his pupils take the shape of black radio dials. In this form, he also has what appears to be black blood pouring from the sides of his mouth. She can also faintly hear radios playing horrible screaming sounds and pain. It is so eerily quiet. She is disgusted, by everything: Alastor, the death, the screams, the silence, and the fact that he broke his promise. Unfortunately, she can't really do anything currently. So she decides to sleep tonight and confront him tomorrow morning.

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