Chapter 40: Extermination Day

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Every sinner scatters as screams pierce the air, terror engulfing them. Amid the chaos, Charlie leads everyone to the roof. Despite her strong aversion to the Extermination, bordering on nausea, she watches with sympathy.

As the clock strikes 12:01 AM, a portal unfolds in the sky, unveiling a lone figure - an exorcist named Adam. With a supernaturally loud voice, he booms, "WAZZUP MUTHAFUCKAAAAAAAAAS?!" while unleashing a hard rock melody on his guitar. "Happy New Year's Eve, bitches! It is I, Chief Exorcist Adam of Heaven, here to grace you sinful shitheads with my annual concert! No fee for tickets!"

As the music echoes, he continues, "Run for your damned afterlives while I sing you hopeless rejects to eternal oblivion! Enjoy it while it lasts, sinners, for it shall be the last thing you ever hear. Girls... IT'S TIME TA ROCK 'N' ROLL!!!" Strumming his guitar, he conjures portals, unleashing exorcists who swarm from them. "Do your thing, groupies! Kill every man, woman, sinner, demon, and child you can find! Oh, and babies! Especially the babies! KILL 'EM ALL!" Laughter rings out as Charlie watches in horror.

The streets turn into a battleground as exorcists slaughter indiscriminately, and Adam demolishes city blocks with his guitar. Alastor observes with a sadistic grin, while Angel, Sir Pentious, Cherri Bomb, and Vaggie gaze in fear. Razzle and Dazzle stand defensively, Husk still engrossed in a bottle of vodka, and Niffty stares unemotionally at the unfolding nightmare.

Charlie, alerted by a knock at the front door, notices that others have also heard it. Nonchalantly, she teleports to the lobby.

Opening the door reveals three figures: Carmilla Carmine, Missi Zilla, and Zestial Morde. They bow respectfully, and Carmilla speaks, "Hello, Princess. May we come in?" Charlie nods, granting entrance to the three powerful overlords in Hell, known for their loyalty to Lucifer, though their claim to being the most powerful is debatable.

Deciding to lead them to the roof where the rest of the gang is gathered, Charlie, Carmilla, Missi Zilla, and Zestial Morde step onto the roof. Tension fills the air, nearly as intense as in the Pride Ring. Alastor acknowledges his fellow overlords with a tipped head and a grin. Charlie, attempting casualness, returns to her spot on the railing.

The others nervously follow suit, with the exception of Alastor. Despite the looming threat of exorcists spreading throughout the Pride, causing carnage and massacre, the hotel remains seemingly untouched so far.

After a few awkward minutes with the overlords, Charlie finally breaks the silence, asking, "So... why are you here?" Missi responds with wide grins and unintelligible noises.

Carmilla steps in, answering, "Well, Princess, your father gave us orders to protect you this Extermination. So, we're just following orders."

Charlie nods slowly, contemplating the fact that her father sent all three of them. Alastor interjects, expressing skepticism about their defensive capabilities. He questions their effectiveness against the exorcists and suggests he could handle the situation better alone.

To everyone's surprise, it's Zestial who responds, his deep, guttural insectoid voice breaking the silence. He asserts, "Regardless of what you think, we are plenty capable of defending this hotel."

A sudden explosion rocks a building, igniting surrounding structures in flames. The exorcists wreak havoc, causing carnage that Charlie observes for the first time, though she dislikes it. Previously shielded by her parents or preoccupied with helping sinners, she hadn't truly witnessed an Extermination before.

As the smoke clears, a group of exorcists emerges from the rubble, weapons at the ready. Spotting a mother with her young imp-ling, they give chase. Wanting to help but reluctant to endanger the hotel, Charlie watches as the scene unfolds, and around a corner, a massive blood splatter becomes visible.

The grim reality saddens Charlie. Over several excruciating hours, she witnesses the Extermination's relentless slaughter, the massacre of countless of her people, and the near complete destruction of the Pride Ring's infrastructure. Pentagram City, their current residence, bears the brunt of the devastation, as usual.

As 11:00 approaches, Extermination Day is winding down, offering relief. The exorcists slow their murder spree, returning to Adam and his portals as the clock tower ticks closer to midnight.

With 10 minutes left, the exorcists prepare to depart. Adam engages in conversation with Lute, too distant for Charlie to hear, but she suspects it involves the hotel. Missi grows restless, but Zestial and Carmilla remain calm, surveying the city.

With only a few grains of sand left, Charlie believes they are finally safe. Suddenly, an explosion strikes the hotel, setting it ablaze. Launched by an exorcist, it comes as Adam leads the others back to Heaven, his laughter echoing. The bell strikes midnight, the hourglass refills, marking the end of Extermination Day and the start of a new year with 365 days until the next cleanse.

The Pride Ring and Charlie sigh in relief. Carmilla swiftly departs to collect leftover angelic weapons for her company. Missi rushes away, Zestial bows and leaves, and Alastor volunteers to fix the hotel's damage.

As the final exterminator departs, Charlie conjures a magical firework from her hand, sending it into the sky. It symbolizes a bright start to the new year and assures the sinners that they are now safe – the Extermination is over. With this gesture, she and her friends return to their room, seeking much-needed rest.

Mentally and emotionally exhausted, Charlie collapses on her bed, nearly crying herself to sleep over the souls lost. However, just as she's about to drift away, a sense of hope fills her for the new year – a year of opportunity.

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