Chapter 8: Faith in the Unbelievable

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The next morning, a sudden knocking disrupts Charlie's peaceful slumber. As the morning light spills into her room, she opens the door to find Vaggie standing outside. "Good morning, Charlie," Vaggie greets, her voice a mix of cheerfulness and concern. "I just wanted to stop by and talk to you."

Inviting her in, Charlie notices an unusual mix of emotions on Vaggie's face. Seated on the edge of Charlie's bed, she hesitates before opening up about her reservations.

"I have a confession. I never believed in this hotel. I don't think sinners can be rehabilitated enough to get into heaven. The only reason I acted like it was... for you," Vaggie admits, her voice sincere but troubled.

Feeling a mix of surprise and understanding, Charlie asks, "You never believed in me?"

"No, no! It's just that this idea of yours... it's crazy? Impossible? A waste of time? Hmph... you sound like my dad," Vaggie confesses.

"Vaggie, it's okay. I understand why you didn't believe in my idea. It's pretty crazy. But I believe this will work. Just try to have faith in me," Charlie reassures her.

"I do have faith in you, Charlie. I just don't want to see you fail," Vaggie admits, her cheerful demeanor giving way to genuine concern.

Smiling, Charlie says, "Thank you, Vaggie. I appreciate your support. But I won't fail. I'll figure out a way to make this work." Vaggie nods in acceptance, and they share a comforting hug before heading down to the lobby.

As they walk through the hotel, Charlie notices Angel sitting at the bar, nursing a drink. He looks up and greets her with a crooked smile. "Hey there, Charlie."

Charlie returns his smile and says, "Good morning. How are you feeling today?" Angel shrugs.

"I've been better."

Charlie nods and sits down next to him. Husker gives her a water. She takes a sip. Then Niffty approaches happily, "Charlie! I think I finally finished cleaning the hotel! Or at least the mess. The furniture side of things could definitely do for some improvements and fixes."

Charlie smiles at her and says, "That's great, Niffty. Thank you for your hard work. And it only took a week." Niffty blushes and looks down at her feet.

"I just wanted to make it look good for you, Charlie. You know how much I care about this hotel. And how much I hate mess." Charlie pats her on the head and says, "I appreciate it, Niffty."

She looks up at Charlie with a smile and says, "Of course. Could you tell Alastor?" Charlie nods and says, "Sure. If it would make you happy." Niffty replies, "oh, it most definitely would." Charlie feels slightly bad for Niffty, as she so desperately wants Alastor to like her, but at the end of the day, he doesn't like anyone in that kind of way.

Charlie decides to start her rounds and check up on Alastor, just to see what his radio show is actually like. Leaving Niffty to her never-ending war on mess, Husker to continue working the bar, despite the lack of guests, Angel to wander aimlessly, and Vaggie sitting on the couch, she enters the elevator and sets it for the staff floor.

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