Chapter 7: Unwanted Guests

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Charlie swiftly investigates the heated argument between Vaggie and Angel Dust. "What's going on?" she asks, attempting to defuse the tension. Niffty turns to her with an amused expression. "Angel is telling Vaggie to lighten up and making fun of how grumpy she seems all the time."

Charlie observes as Angel Dust rolls his eyes and retorts, "Can't I have some fun around here without everyone getting all bent out of shape?"

Vaggie continues to glare at Angel as Alastor approaches, "What's all this commotion I hear?" he asks, his pinstripe suit creaking as he walks.

Angel turns to him, a hint of annoyance in his voice, "Oh, nothing."

"Yeah, nothing," Vaggie repeats angrily as she storms across the room.

Alastor chuckles, "Good, oh how I do hate fighting." Charlie detects a hint of sarcasm in his voice, but the group is quickly interrupted by a sharp knock at the door.

They exchange shocked looks before Charlie approaches the door and opens it.

Standing in front of her are two men and a woman. She instantly recognizes them, the three Vees. Valentino, the overlord of adult films, Velvet, the young overlord of social media, and Vox, an overlord of TV and one of the most powerful overlords in Hell. He also has an extreme obsession with Alastor in a rivalry way. Alastor despises him.

Valentino smirks at her evilly, "Hello. I'm here for Angel. He must have gotten lost because I know he would never mean to dare to run away from me." Charlie stands there in shock for a minute before

Vox speaks up, asking, "I also heard that Alastor was staying here." Valentino sighs exhaustively and asks for Angel again. Then Alastor walks up behind Charlie to see who is at the door.

Alastor turns around to face the door, his eyes narrowing as he examines the three Vs.

His tone is cold and dismissive as he says, "What do you want?"

Vox smiles. Valentino replies nonchalantly, "I just want what's rightfully mine."

Alastor's tone turns even colder as he responds, "And I want you to leave now before I decide to make things difficult for you."

The three Vs. exchange a look before Valentino steps forward, his eyes glinting with malice as he speaks, "Fine. We'll go. Fair warning though, this isn't over."

Charlie watches as the three Vs. turn and walk away. Alastor turns to her, his face a mask of indifference, "How strange. We should watch out for them. For Angel's sake."

Then he walks back inside the hotel. Charlie stands there for a second before following. It's been a rough day, so she decides to just go to sleep, and the rest of the group follows suit. She heads to the top floor, her floor.

Flying secretly above the hotel are two Exorcists, a male and a female. Adam, the chief Exorcist and father of humanity, and Lute, his second-in-command.

While their intentions are unknown, Adam has an intense disdain towards all sinners and probably isn't there for a good reason. They would probably want the hotel to fail because of the sense of superiority they have over the demons. They continue to case the hotel secretly and eventually return to heaven. Charlie is about to get ready for bed when she gets a knock at her bedroom door.

She opens it to find Angel Dust with a solemn expression.

"Hey, Charlie," he says, "I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry about Valentino. I should have told you that he was looking for me."

Charlie nods, "It's okay, Angel. I understand why."

Angel Dust looks down at his feet, avoiding eye contact. "I know I shouldn't have kept it from you, but I just wanted to get away from Valentino. I have a confession; I only agreed to come stay at this hotel because the rent was dirt cheap, and I wanted to save up enough money to finally leave him. I'm sorry." He turns away ashamed.

Then Charlie places her hand on his shoulder, "It's okay, Angel. I forgive you."

He smiles and says, "Thank you, Charlie," before he leaves her room, leaving her alone with her thoughts. A few minutes later, she decides to go to sleep.

As she lays in bed, her mind wanders to the events of the day. She thinks about the hotel's problems and how she needs to figure out a way to fix it.

She continues thinking for several minutes before eventually drifting off into sleep.

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