Chapter 27: The Flashback

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Charlie is in a flashback with her father, Lucifer, about his past, specifically when Lucifer was still an angel in Heaven.

This flashback takes place in heaven, eons ago.

Then the room begins to change and take shape as Lucifer's Illusion (or reality-warping) magic takes effect. The room transforms into a grand hall, complete with a chandelier made of pure gold and a ceiling so high that it seems to touch the stars.

Charlie notices that Lucifer is gone, but he can still sense his presence. Lucifer takes a deep breath and begins to narrate, "Eons ago, I was a bright prince of Heaven. Born into the most powerful and influential family in Heaven, the Morningstar family."

You see two cribs in the center of the room and a figure. The figure is a sharply dressed, slender, divine entity with pure white skin, pearly white teeth, and no visible eyes or nose on his face. His head is orbited by four, disembodied, floating eyes which are presumed to be his true eyes. He wears a large top hat that has a golden cross on the front of the crown, and wears a white suit with gold accents, gold epaulettes with the design of angel-life wings, dark grey gloves, and white dress shoes with gold on the tips. He wears a long, flowing cape with the inside being a dull blue color while going whiter towards the ends, which sport the design of angelic wings. The underside of his cape has the design of a moving, blue galaxy.

Charlie is awestruck by Him, remaining stunned for several more moments before finally regaining some of his composure. He approaches the cribs. Two children, nearly identical.

Charlie asks, "If this is you. Who is the other?"

Lucifer replies, "That is my twin brother, Michael. We were the first angels, well other than the Seraphim and elder Ophanim. The eldest archangels."

Then the scene changes to several young children all playing together, with God, along with his seraphim guards, watching joyfully.

Lucifer names them. "These are my brothers and sisters. All archangels and Morningstars. Forti, the tall one who looks like he has a desire for justice and righteousness, became the leader of Heavenly Hosts (Heaven's armies). Michael, my twin brother, became the most highly esteemed archangel, revered as humanity's ultimate savior and chief archangel. Raphael, the one nurturing the tiny sapling, became the miracle healer of Heaven and protector of the Tree of Life. Uriel, the one reading the book, became the wisest of the archangels, second to me, and a bookworm, oh, and the archangel in charge of repentance. Barachiel, the one looking at the sky, became the archangel of blessings. Cassiel, the one flying around, became the extremely wise archangel, highly regarded for his ability to manipulate and see through time and space, as well as for his amazing speed. Unlike his siblings and fellow archangels, he is a silent observer-type who does not involve himself in battle, preferring to use his supernatural speed to protect bystanders, carry prayers, and offer strategy to his siblings. Sandalphon, the one annoying Cassiel, became the deliverer of prayers to God and archangel of conception and pregnancy. Zadkiel, the one with the sword, became the trainer of angels and God's personal executioner. And Gabriel (his voice cracking), oh sweet Gabe... he became the archangel of charity who is widely regarded as among the most pure-hearted angels in Heaven's history. He is one of the owners of the Thrones Industry, a charity organization in Heaven that invents things to make the lives of humans and angels alike better, especially for the injured. And me... the one playing catch with Michael and little Gabe. Me and Michael were the oldest. I remember how Michael and I would throw the ball and always catch it while Gabe would occasionally try, and usually fail. But it was always fixed with a laugh. (He sighs solemnly) Much simpler times."

Then Past Lucifer begins to speak (to God), "Father, when I grow up, what will be my purpose?"

God replies, "My dear Lucifer, it will be whatever you want it to be. Your purpose will be to serve me. You will be the ultimate protector and helper, but you must always remember that your own desires and passions are also important. Oh and." He stands up and taps (Past) Lucifer on the nose and six wings sprout up on his back.

Lucifer looks at himself in wonder before bursting into laughter. "Woah! Am I a Seraph now? Does that mean I get to spend lots of time with you!" he exclaims, flapping his newfound wings.

God chuckles, "Yes. I thought it might come in handy for you in your adventures. And in serving me personally."

Lucifer nods, still grinning from ear to ear. "Thank you, Father. I will be the best!"

God nods in approval and turns to leave, but not before adding, "And Lucifer, I love you, always. Remember that."

Then he disappears in a flash of light with his guards. Leaving (Past) Lucifer flying around and the others watching in joyful awe.

Lucifer continues narrating, "Back then I was just a starry-eyed prince who wanted to help God." The area changes to several still scenes of the children growing up.

Lucifer continues, "After time and a few thousand years, I become the most beloved angel and the embodiment of wisdom and beauty. I WAS God's favorite. I also made the best music."

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