Chapter 55: Fan Mail

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Husk leans against the weathered brick wall, his gaze fixed on Angel Dust as he strolls down the bustling street of Pentagram City, illuminated by the neon lights casting an otherworldly glow. Beside him, Zephyr stands with arms crossed, his expression one of detached disinterest.

"What do you reckon he's up to?" Husk mutters, keeping his voice low as he nods towards Angel's retreating form.

Zephyr shrugs. "Who knows? As long as it doesn't involve us."

Husk shoots him a sideways glance, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "You do realize we're tailing him for a reason, right?"

Zephyr's response is a dismissive wave of his hand. "Sure, sure. But let's not pretend like we actually give a damn about his little escapades."

With a resigned sigh, Husk turns his attention back to Angel, his thoughts drifting to the letter he found earlier. Valentino's unmistakable handwriting is scrawled across the page, a blatant summons for Angel to come to work at the Porn Studios within V Tower. Husk knows what Angel is up to; he's just here to make sure Angel stays safe.

As they continue their clandestine pursuit, Husk's stomach churns with unease at the thought of what awaits them at V Tower. The imposing structure looms overhead, its sleek façade casting a shadow over the bustling streets below. Husk's eyes narrow as he catches sight of Travis, the sleazy avian demon, lurking by the entrance. He watches with a mixture of disdain and suspicion as Travis greets Angel with a lascivious grin, his crude demeanor leaving a sour taste in Husk's mouth.

"Stay close, Zephyr," Husk mutters under his breath, his gaze fixed on the unfolding scene before them. "And keep your guard up. We're walking into the lion's den."

As Angel disappears through the lavish doors of V Tower, Husk and Zephyr exchange a wary glance. The imposing structure looms before them, its sleek exterior betraying nothing of the security measures lurking within.

"We're not getting in there without a fight," Husk mutters, eyeing the rows of surveillance cameras perched ominously above the entrance. "And by 'fight,' I mean you're doing the sneaking, and I'm doing the distracting."

Zephyr's lips quirk into a faint smirk at Husk's admission. "Works for me," he replies, his voice barely a whisper as he melts into the shadows, his form disappearing from view with unsettling ease.

Left alone in the glow of the neon lights, Husk squares his shoulders and saunters towards the entrance, his movements deliberately nonchalant as he prepares to put on a show for the security guards undoubtedly lurking within.

As he reaches the doors, Husk flashes a charming grin at the imposing hellhounds stationed on either side, his voice oozing with false charm. "Evening, gentlemen," he drawls, his words laced with the promise of trouble. "Mind letting a couple of lost souls in for a bit of fun?"

The bouncers eye him warily, their expressions a mix of suspicion and amusement. "Name?" one of them grunts, crossing his massive arms over his chest in a display of dominance.

Husk's grin widens, his gaze flicking to the surveillance cameras overhead as he mentally urges Zephyr to work his magic. Just as he's about to respond, Zephyr's hand emerges from the darkness, holding a small device. With a subtle click, a nearby side door unlocks, unnoticed by the bouncers.

"Husk," he replies smoothly, offering up his most winning smile. "But you can call me trouble."

As the bouncers exchange a confused look, Husk takes the opportunity to slip away, his heart pounding with exhilaration. With a nod to Zephyr, he makes his way to the side entrance, where the door swings open easily, revealing the brightly lit corridor beyond.

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