Chapter 21: Long Time no See

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Charlie and Vaggie walk around the hotel, talking.

"So, about last night.... I'm really sorry it turned out like that... I just wanted to spend time with you... and I guess I just chose the wrong place. I-"

Charlie's apology is cut off by Vaggie holding up her hand and smiling at her forgivingly.

Lovingly, Vaggie comforts her, "Charlie, I love you. I'm not mad at you, and I'm glad we got to spend some time together. But it's not your fault. How could you have possibly known that the Vees and Missi would show up?"

Charlie smiles at her lovingly, thankful for her forgiveness. Charlie is lucky that she found someone like her. Vaggie is her angel.

"Thank you. I'm still sorry for everything."
"It's okay."

Vaggie says sympathetically, "Everything's going to be okay, Charlie. You're going to get through this. I know it." Charlie smiles. Then she gets an idea. She snaps her fingers and summons a piano in a plume of fire. Then, Razzle and Dazzle fly in.

Razzle knows what is about to happen and sits at the piano, ready to play it. Dazzle hovers nearby, ready to provide backup vocals for a harmony. Vaggie groans jokingly and smiles while saying,
"Not again..." as Charlie climbs onto the piano.

She (and Vaggie) begins to sing a love song.

Razzle begins playing. Charlie starts to sing....

Later, Charlie and Vaggie have finished their musical number. Charlie snaps the piano back into nonexistence in another plume of fire. Razzle and Dazzle run off to take care of the hotel in Alastor, Nifty, and Husk's departure. Leaving Charlie and Vaggie sitting on a couch in the lobby.
Sir Pentious and Angel are roaming somewhere aimlessly. They both relax in each other's arms. They talk about things.

Vaggie asks, "So what are the other Rings like?"

Charlie replies, "Well, other than Pride, there's Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Envy, and Sloth. They're all quite unique and are based on their respective sin."

Vaggie nods, "Yeah, but what are they like? Since you know, me, a sinner, can't traverse the rings."

"Yeah... Well okay...let's see. Wrath is basically a huge flaming countryside full of volcanoes with melting suns." Vaggie looks at her confused.

Charlie continues, "Gluttony is the land of overindulgence. Everything is oversized, from buildings, people, and of course, food. It's full of fast-food places, and it has a mostly tropical, honeycomb theme. Greed is a corporate hellscale, excuse the pun, full of toxic waste, heavy pollution, mafias, and scams. Lust is a land of perpetual rain full of nightclubs and brothels. It's rather peaceful and serene. Envy is basically an entirely ocean full of rich snobs in a, self-proclaimed, 'perfect' society. And Sloth is a ring with a light pink-colored sky and 'Zzz' shaped clouds.
Sloth has many floating islands throughout its skyline with buildings suspended on top, with purple waterfalls and some trees on them. Built for luxury and convenience, Sloth is heavily populated by a lethargic community. Due to its luxurious amenities and varying climates, Sloth is viewed as a very popular vacation spot in Hell, and the home to many retired demons and a vast number of Hell's upper crust, including many members of the Ars Goetia. Sloth is also viewed as the medical hub of Hell and manufactures a great deal of Hell's drugs, whether they be medical or street drugs. It is also the only ring of Hell with any type of medical service in general. Most of Sloth's denizens are very lazy, depressed, detached from reality, illiterate, drugged out of their minds, and dependent on Sloth's drugs to help them with every single little thing in their day-to-day lives. Most of the Sloth Ring, notably Dreamsville, is incredibly rich."

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