Chapter 5: What a Lovely Strol-

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Leaving the fun house, Charlie sees Razzle and Dazzle guarding the entrance. She pats them on the head and instructs them to inform the others to head back to the car and drive to the hotel. Charlie explains that she'll be on a walk with Vaggie and will join them later.

Razzle and Dazzle nod, running off to deliver Charlie's message. Walking with Vaggie through the streets of Hell, the only sound is the gravel crunching beneath their feet.

Feeling the warmth of the sun on her face and the cool breeze in her hair, Vaggie looks at Charlie with concern. "Feeling better now?" she asks softly. Charlie nods, appreciating having someone to talk to.

"Yeah, thanks for being here for me," Charlie says, giving her a small smile.

Vaggie smiles back, her eyes shining with affection. "Of course, Charlie. I'm always here for you."

Walking in silence, they enjoy the peacefulness of the moment. As they stroll, Charlie notices a group of sinners on the corner eyeing them.

One steps forward, a cruel smirk on his face. "Hey there, little beauties," he says, leering at them. "What brings you two here?"

Vaggie clutches her angelic spear and steps in front of Charlie protectively. "We're just out for a walk," she says firmly, her eyes locked on them, "Leave us alone."

The sinners laugh, taking a step closer. "Relax, darling. We're just having a little fun." He takes another step forward, reaching out to grab Vaggie.

She swiftly cuts his hand off with the spear, and he stumbles back, howling in pain. Angelic weapons are rare and powerful, possessed by only a few powerful overlords. Vaggie, a non-overlord, wields one, making her quite the rarity. These weapons are the only ones that can permanently injure or kill sinners, bypassing their regeneration.

The other sinners back away, fear in their eyes as they realize she has an angelic weapon. Watching as Vaggie stands tall and proud, her eyes fixed on the sinners, she commands, "Leave us alone. We have no interest in harming you."

Hesitating for a moment, the sinners then move forward again. One sneers, "You're gonna pay for doing that!"

Vaggie's eyes narrow, her hand tightening around the spear. The sinners lunge forward, but she's ready. With a swift motion, she strikes, her spear taking off two of the sinners' hands.

The others scream in pain, falling to the ground. The remaining sinners scatter, running away. Vaggie catches her breath, looking at Charlie. "You okay?" she asks, concern etched on her face. Charlie nods, heart still racing. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for not killing them."

Vaggie smiles, her eyes proud. "Of course, my love. I'm sorry I had to do that. I know you don't like hurting people." She turns to Charlie, hand on her shoulder.

"But I had to protect us." Charlie nods, understanding. "It's fine. At least you didn't have to kill them. Let's head back." She smiles, and they both walk back to the hotel.

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