Chapter 51

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Trigger Warning: There is a panic attack. The start and the end is mark.

X opened his eyes and sat up. He looked to his left and saw someone in a red cape and dress sitting on the floor reading a book. X slowly sat up, the noise alerting the person. Said person rushed over to his side and helped him sit up. "Are you okay?" they asked.

"No, just some cloudiness, but that should be gone in a little while," X said. The person smiled. "That's good. My name's Eret by the way," the person, Eret, said. "My name's X, but you already know that," X said. Eret chuckled, "Yea, so is it okay for me to ask what happened?"

X froze, "I can't even fully answer the question. Purp woul- wait, is Purpled okay?" Eret looked apprehensive, "He seems to be physically okay, but he still hasn't woken up. He also hasn't been peacefully sleeping. He was shaking and sometimes crying in his sleep. We've tried everything we could to wake him up, but it hasn't woken up yet."

X nodded and looked around the room and noticed Purpled on a different couch. He got to his feet and took a moment to steady himself before going over there. He could see the tear marks on Purpled's face and he was shaking. X maneuvered him, so that he could sit on the couch and have Purpled's head on his lap.

Purpled didn't wake up, but he only started shaking more. X ran his fingers through Purpled's hair, hoping to calm him down. While Purpled did calm down, he didn't stop completely shaking. X looked up at Eret, who was watching with a sad expression on his face.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Eret asked. X shook his head. He wasn't hungry nor thirsty at the moment. He thought back to how Purpled was when he first saw him. He didn't know what had happened to make Purpled think that he wasn't real. He saw that Eret had gone back to reading his book.

It wasn't long until someone else came into the room. It was a creeper hybrid like Doc, but he didn't have a mechanical arm. The creeper hybrid did a double take when he saw that X was up, before going over to Eret. "Did you get any sleep last night?" he asked.

X only then noticed the deep bangs under Eret's eyes, which were a pure white because he didn't have his sunglasses on. Eret pretended that he didn't hear him. The creeper hybrid rolled his eyes and took the book. Eret let out a noise before covering his mouth and standing up.

He then reached down to a pocket that he had in his dress and pulled out a pair of sunglasses, covering his eyes. So, he had something he wanted to hide, although their cases were a bit different. "I'll have you know that I got some sleep last night," Eret said.

"How much then?" Sam asked, holding the book above his head, so that Eret couldn't get it, even though they were pretty close in height. It reminded X a lot of what Mumbo did to Grian to get him to take a break. X laughed and the attention was turned to him. "What's so funny?" Eret asked, with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Sorry, just remind me of some friends, but theirs is much funnier," X said. Eret raised an eyebrow over the glasses. "How so?" he asked. "Mumbo, who is around his height," he said, pointing towards Sam. "will just hold Maui, who is a cat, above his head to get Grian, who is around Tubbo's height, maybe shorter, to get him to take a break."

They took a minute to envision that in their heads. Eret was the first to laugh, followed by Sam. "That's really funny," Eret said. X nodded, "It's always a sight to see." They calmed down and Sam turned to X, "By the way, my name's Sam." X nodded his head, "Nice to meet you. By any chance do you like redstone?"

Sam nodded, "I love redstone. Why?" X smiled, "You remind me a lot of my friend, Doc. He's also a creeper hybrid and loves redstone, funny enough. Although, he can be a bit of a mad man at times," X said, thinking back to all the madness that Doc has done.

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