Part 12 - To fall and run away

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Elsa :

I looked at myself in the mirror ,
The early noon spreaded his sun rays over my palace, which made my reflection in the mirror to glow.
I look perfect.
I only look perfect....
Am I glowing inside as well?
Would the mirror lie?

The gilt on my fight with Anna hunting me since it happened.
As I usually do, I broke a fragile connection with one cold strike and got myself away from anyone....

Maybe she was right;
Maybe I am trying to get people away all the time,
Maybe I am cold,
And harsh to others.

I heard the door opening behind me,
I turned around, and saw his known face.

-" Hello Elsa. " He smiled craftly, took my hand, kissed it as he usually does.
At least he doesn't thinks that I am that horrible.

I laght a bit from the happiness that brusted in my heart when I saw him, and only that action was able to light up the naughty sparkle in his eyes.

-" It is good to see you again Edward. "
I blushed as we got out of my castle, his look fixed on me.

He held my hand as I got down the stairs of the bridge
And as I got down he looked at me sharply and said :
" Elsa, you are too polite,
Enough playing the queen in front of me."
It's very comfortable that we don't need any masks in front of each other.
It's good that he can ecsept me the way I am.

Why couldn't Anna understand that?

-"And you are too direct and rude."
I couldn't let him enjoy himself for too long.
He laght.

What did you talked about with your sister last time? I saw you whispering. "
He smiled at me craftly.

-"Nothing, nothing....
Some silly...... investigation. "
I got nervous.
I can't tell him what Anna told me.

- " Investigation? What happened? "
I'm lucky that he didn't notice that I was stressed.

-"Oh, I don't want it to bother you...."
I smiled so he would relax,
but he continued seriously:
" If there is something that bothers my queen, I won't rest until it will be resolved. "

-" It's nothing.... just...."
I continued walking.

-" People started disappeare in Arandle."
I looked at his face, worried as the mischievous sparkle disappeared instantly.

He started investigating me,
trying to help and get more information
all our way to his castle;

Finally he got to the last question.
- " How many people disappeared so far? " He asked dispassionately,
yet I saw he was nervous.
-"Forty." He looked more than worried, Yet tried to stay his mask of self confidence.

I don't know why it hurts him so bad,

I told him that he doesn't have to help me, and that everything is fine.
But he just smiled at me faintly, insulted me again,
Because he thinks I know nothing about crimes, and investigations,
And continued asking his questions.

- "From Arandle? Are you sure? "
He looked like he could not believe his ears, even after everything I told him.

We walked in his dark castle,
And answered the last question,
"Yes. My sister told me so."
But for some reason I couldn't keep my anger about her eny more,
And unintentionally reminded her in a disgusted ton as I walked into the dark hall.

-"Is there is another thing, bothers my queen?"
He stopped walking, reading my face.

-"No, it's okay, you don't have to...."
I didn't wanted to bother him again.

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