Part 37 - Freeze you out

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* Please read this part with the incredible song "Freeze me out" of the magical singer sia! ;)
Thank you ☆


I kept laughing from his last joke and tried to ask calmly without laghting;
"What? "

-"It's very important. I need you to know this."
Jack's face became very siruse at once and I started being so too;
" Jack, what is it?"

He looked to my eyes than at all of me quickly and continued with the strongest emotion I have ever seen in him:

" I feel things that I have never felt before, and I think that I know what is it."

I tried to think where is he going with this quickly:
"W-What is it?"
He cupped my cheek and took out a breath of pure pleasure.

face I never saw so sharply making all his emotions clearer;
-"Look, maybe it's too fast, maybe it's too hard to realise because. I know what you have been through with this Loki but, I think I am falling in love with you. "

I looked at him shocked and my heart flew up to the sky, but I had to look away when my mind fell down.
I loved him!
I loved him so much,
I wanted to confess of what went through my mind every time I looked at him, but my heart has been hurt too much.

But he said he loves you too!
He will leave you tonight and he spills his soul in front of you!

I am driving my heart crazy with the emotions but isn't it dangerous when I gets too strong?
I can't control my love and it's a nightmare.
He can't either control it and I know it. It's wonderful somehow.
What a sweet nightmare.

-"Elsa! Please you have got to understand!
I can't help it! You are in my dreams. In my days in my mind and I don't want to contain what I feel anymore.
I feel over protective next to you, I can't rest until I'll know your mine or safe. You're no longer my mission."

I turned back and tried to conquer the feeling that stormed my heart.
I tried to go away so I won't get hurt again but it felt too good to love him to keep fighting it.

-"Elsa, I love you!"

I stopped walking away as I heard him saying the confusion.

-"I know it's impossible because I'm a guardian ,I know you already got burnt of love,I know that we shouldn't , But It's stronger and I fought all my life but I can't say no to this love you're looking at me with in your eyes!"
His voice got almost screaming and desperate.

I tried to collect all the cool I had and turned to him fighting the crave to let his look dissappear my ice shield that starts melting off.
I looked at him;
" I don't know what to do with this."

He came behind me and spoke while his energy almost touched my skin, fanning my face with his hot breath for the first time:
Making my body tangle wherever it could when I heard my name.

-"Please, I want one chance! I need only a chance!
Tell me that there is something between us! Tell me it's not an illusion!
Without you, no one worth my protection. No one in the whole world."

The tears appeared in my eyesight when I heard myself speaking:
-" I can't."

He looked at me ,frowning desperately ,pulled me too close by the waist and leaned in close to touch my lips with his ones:

I kissed him back ,drowning in the feelings got throgh me all like storm of wind in your hair, and made me pop up my leg get my arms around him and kiss him then moan.

-" Fine, so I won't let you choose. "

I breathed heavily from the kiss, than heavier to get him back and ran.
I cannot conceal, I must feel!

- "No! No, Jack!"
He turned around to me while I jumped into his arms, hugging my love and kissed him back like I always wanted.
-"I love you."

He was surprised but calmed down after a second and kissed me back harder and spoke.

-"I thought I was worshipping the godes of the moon." He kissed me back again too shortly and I knew I wanted more.
-" and she is far away from me." He held me even more tightly and I felt the touch of his hot skin benefits the clothes and kissed him.

-"Don't worry, my love. I am real, and I am all yours. " I said truthful and kissed him again as I let the moves of his mouth pleasure my lips.

We stopped for a second and he looked at my glowing eyes joyfully and said:

" I love you."

The sweetest nightmares (Loki&Elsa and Jack&Elsa function novel)Where stories live. Discover now