Part 20 - Cold surprise

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Elsa :

I got up in the morning.
Another mightmare......

Now it comes only ones a week.
Still everything around me screaming:
"Gilt! Gilt! Gilt!"
It can be the mountains from the distance that is no longer seen to the eye from the cold that conquered the sky.
The memories,
The red icicles crated by the pressures and fears,
The songs that I sing to myself so I will fall asleep, and I don't.
Or all of those together,
Terrifying me,
Crushing me to death.

Yet ,I'll keep going.
I will never give up.

I got fresh and dressed.
And when my heart is as cold as ice,
Got out to the tericce,
Trying to block any emotion or expression,
Watching the cold, white emptiness around.
All my feelings that the weather perfectly expressed.

I looked down to snowy garden that was close to my palace,
And found there a.....


His blood is spreaded all over the snow he is lying on,
His face looked incredibly damaged.
I got panicked.
Oh my!
I must help him!
I must save him!

I got down the stairs as fast as I can.
Trying to save the poor young man that must have got into one of the storms of sadness that I created and almost died.

I found him;
He had no shoes,
Long skinny legs that had modest leather pants on them.
Big blue jacket that had a nice colour,
Like the colour of the sea.....
But it was completely torn, and staind with the blood of his scars.
He had three bleeding scars on his chest,
One on his cheek,
And bleeding, swollen, black eye.
All his face was bruised with more small wounds and under his torn jacket I saw a big purple punch.

It's almost unbearable to look at.
I must help him somehow!

Oh! God please don't make him dead!
All I need now is a body to bury that will convince me to bury myself next to......

I immediately checked his pulse.
I felt it.
Weak and barely exsist,
But it was there.

He is alive.
I finally released my breath with a little relief.

Now when he's alive,
How will I drag him to my castle?

I can't think of a simple way to do it.

Well ,I gess I'll have to do it in the only way I have.

I draged him to my castle.
He was heavy,
And all the way I worried that I won't hurt him even more.....

Finally, we got to the gests bedroom in the first floor.

I put him on the ice bed and leaned on the wall for a second.

It was not simple,
but I did it!

Now what?

I checked his pulse again.
It still was very weak.

I took off his jacket, which was not a very simple task because he could not exactly cooperate when he is unconscious.....
I took a wet towel and started washing his wounds and the strange black dirt that sticked to his face,
I don't want his wounds to get infected.....

I cleaned all his body, gently.
Following all the scars and the muscles on his body and then rushed to cover him with a fur blanket so the warmth and colour will come back to his face.
His skin was so cold that it was almost not human.....
Please don't die!

I set next to him,
On the bed,
After all the hard work.

Well, it's better than get lower and lower from the sadness of the past months.....

I looked at his face and ignored all his wounds for a second;

He was a handsome young man, arround my age,
His ood, white hair was spreaded on his head in a messy, wild, ood and funny angels,
His face had sharp angles that created the strong chin and cheekbones.
His face was simple and yet charming.

I was tempted to touch his beaten, painful, poor, charming face,
And took the risk.
Oh my!
His skin is even colder than mine!

He must have got cold from all this time outside.....
Oh! I feel soo guilty!

The gilt and mursy I felt for him made me wait for an hour.
For hopefully, to his heart beat to stabilise and to his body to get warm.
I checked it every 15 minutes.
Hopefully, for his skin will get his normal colour, and not as white, pail, and cold as ice.
I never saw a person with such a white hair.

I started drowning in thoughts and emotions again;
Worried for the fate of the streanger,
Ashamed of the storm I did but I couldn't control or stop in time so I won't hurt everyone,
Or him.....

I must have frozed everything around again.....
maybe even harder than last time.....

Oh! Why?
Why can't I just be normal?

I hid my face with my hands again.

But I am expecially afraid,
of the things might come;

What if he'll die?
Well it will be the prove to the fact that everything that I touch freezes and dies......

What if he'll wake up?

What will I say?
Should I tell who I am? Or should I lie?

Is he dangerous?
His face could tell he is messing with ones.

Where is he from?

What brought him to such a horrible situation?

So many questions that will have to wait without an answer.....

His heart beat finally got stable after the sun set down.
But his skin stayed ice cold.....

I'll try to help,
I'll check him again tomorrow,
And pray that he will survive.

But if he won't.
There won't be much left to do.....

Only death.

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