New Job (Tyler Joseph)

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Today was your first day on your new job. This was new to you. You had just finished college and was waiting for your paid internship to start and just needed a little extra cash for a few months.

You had never worked at a convenient store or any retail store in that sense, so this was a new experience you wanted to try out. 

Jenna, your manager, was telling you everything you needed to know so you could get familiar with the products and be able to help customers find what they need. She had motioned you over to a tall, black haired guy who was restocking.

"This is Tyler. He is over the stocking department and this is where you will be for a few weeks. It is important to learn this before anything else. After a couple of weeks, I'll train you on the register. Tyler, this is Y/N. He is new to the area," she introduced you to Tyler and he held his hand out.

"Nice to meet you," he said with a grin. You did the same.

Over the next hour or so, Tyler went over in great detail about restocking. It even amazed you at some of the things you didn't think went into the job.

"Do you have any questions?" You shook your head.

"So, you're new here? I haven't seen you ever. I'm from the area, been here my whole life."

"Yeah, just graduated college and waiting for an internship to start," you told him.

"Oh cool, what did you major in?"

"Art. Web design to be specific."

"That is really cool Y/N."

You went back to helping him restock the shelves, when he caught you off guard.

"Are you single or dating?"

"Single," you told him.

"What? No way. I don't believe that." You blushed.

"Thanks. I guess my standards are too high." He laughed which caused you to laugh.

"Did you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend?" he asked, one of his eyebrows arched.

"Neither. I am into guys, not girls so much. I am bi, but prefer guys if that makes any sense," you explained. He nodded.

"I'm bi too. I figured out I liked guys a few years ago. Little late, since I was engaged with a child to my ex-fiance." His face fell.

"How did you find out you liked guys?" you asked.

"I tried to hide it and deny for years. I tried telling my ex, but she wasn't having it. She threw me out. I would had never cheated on her, but she said I couldn't be that way and only love her. Ironically, she cheated on me that night with a friend of mine. They had been having an affair. She said he was better than I was because he wasn't a fag like I was..." You placed your hand on his shoulder. He weakly smiled.

"I am so sorry that happened to you Tyler. I only have known you for a few hours and I think you're prolly way better than a loser friend who fucks his best friends girl on the side could ever be." He was smiling now.

"I really needed that. Yeah, I had a few experiences with a few guys after that. Thankfully, she couldn't stop me from not seeing my son, so I was thankful for that. His name is Tyson," he was beaming.

"I'd love to meet him."

"This is weird, but are you doing anything later after work? If not, we could get some pizza and watch some movies at my place with Tyson." 

You couldn't say no.

"I'd love to Tyler."

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