Skater Boy -Part 2 (Josh Dun)

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You had quietly excused yourself from your house to go to the "Library". In reality, Josh had gave you his number and he was waiting for you at the skate park. When you got there, it was pretty empty. Josh was there, his sleeveless shirt hung loosely against his toned frame. It was cut practically down to the hem which made your skin crawl with anticipation. He had two coffees in his hands, handing one to you as you came up to him.

"Thanks, how much do I owe you?" you asked, digging into your pocket for cash.

"It's on me." Josh was really shy all of a sudden.

"Thanks. It's pretty empty here this morning," you told him. He laughed which made you blush.

"Who the fuck skates at nine in the morning?" the curse word made you stiffen, wanting to hear it more but only in another context.

"Have you ever stood on a skateboard?"

"Negative." Josh chuckled, holding his arm out for you to grab. You gripped his arm, which flexed under your weight as you slowly climbed up onto the board. Once you had managed to get up there, you laughed to yourself.

"See, it's all about inner balance Y/N. Just gotta keep your weight-" Josh was explaining something to you, but you had leaned too far forward to pay attention that the board had slid out from under you, causing your body to fall into his chest.

"I'm Sorry!" You exclaimed, looking up at the handsome skater holding you. Josh just blushed, causing your stomach to fill with butterflies.

"It's fine. Just don't try to kiss me next time."

"What?! I so was not trying to kiss you!" You pulled away from Josh, pretending to be mad.

"It'd been a lot cooler if you did..."

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing. Forget it."

The whole morning Josh taught you how to stand properly on the board and you even began to kick off by yourself. You and Josh were laughing when someone cleared their throat behind you.

Y/B/S/N was standing there, eyes piercing through Josh. He immediately stood a foot from you.

"This isn't the library," they said, staring Josh down.

"I was on m-my way b-back-"

"Don't lie Y/N. Come here now, we're going home."


"I will tell mom and dad. Now!" You slowly walked back over to them and frowned at Josh. Josh was looking at the ground.

"He's 17 Josh goddamnit. He's off limits."

"I'm sorry." Josh muttered the words. He got back on his board and went off, tears stinging my eyes.

"He's 24 Y/N. You can't...."

"I know."

You can't......


Twenty One Pilots Imagines/Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang