Cheating? (Josh)

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You and Josh have dated for well over 3 years now. Everything in the start of the relationship was like pure bliss. You loved spending time together, doing things each other liked. Then, when you two were apart, you craved the others presence. However, the last 6 months felt different. Josh was becoming more and more distant it seemed. His work shift was getting longer, he was now coming home in the early morning hours, long after you went to sleep.

You couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled deep within you as the days turned into weeks and Josh's absence became a constant presence in your life. Late nights were no longer filled with whispered secrets and stolen kisses, but with the hollow echo of his footsteps fading into the distance. You found yourself staring at the clock with a heavy heart, waiting for a sliver of daylight to spill through the window, signaling his return.

Each morning, you would wake up to find him already gone – a cold cup of coffee and an empty chair serving as a reminder of his elusive presence. You began to wonder what kept him away for such long hours, why he seemed detached and distant whenever he was around.

Despite your best efforts to maintain normalcy, doubts gnawed at your mind like incessant whispers. The once vibrant colors of your relationship now seemed muted, replaced by a monochromatic haze that enveloped you both.

One evening, unable to bear the weight of uncertainty any longer, you decided to switch things up. Tonight you decided you were going to wait for him to come home and confront him.

The evening air was heavy with anticipation as you sat at the kitchen table, fidgeting with the edge of your coffee mug. The clock ticked away, the rhythmic sound echoing in the empty room. Minutes turned into hours, and still, there was no sign of Josh.

Your heart thudded against your chest, a mixture of anxiety and determination coursing through your veins. The darkness outside seemed to mirror the storm brewing within you as you contemplated what lay ahead.

Finally, the front door creaked open, breaking the silence that had settled like a heavy fog. You held your breath as Josh stepped into the dimly lit room, his weary eyes meeting yours. There was a weariness in him that you hadn't seen before, lines etched on his face from days spent weighed down by burdens you couldn't fathom.

"Josh," you began, your voice trembling slightly. "We need to talk."

He sighed wearily and dropped his bag onto the floor, giving you a knowing look. He took his seat opposite of you and cleared his throat. Thoughts of cheating danced in your head. You were almost preparing yourself for what was about to come next.

But instead of confirming your worst fears, Josh reached out and took your hand in his. The warmth of his touch momentarily eased the tension that had been building up inside you, as if his presence alone was enough to bring a glimmer of hope.

"I know I've been distant lately," he started, his voice laden with a mix of regret and vulnerability. "And I'm sorry, truly. It's just... there are things going on at work that I haven't been able to share with you."

Confusion etched its way across your face as you searched his eyes for answers.

"Why couldn't you tell me?"

Josh squeezed your hand gently, his gaze softening.

"I didn't want to burden you with my problems. I thought if I stayed strong for both of us, it would be easier."

A mixture of relief and frustration washed over you. While part of you understood his intentions, another part resented being kept in the dark. Opening up to each other had created a mood in the room that had been gone for a while now.

You took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart.

"But Josh, we're supposed to be a team. We've always been there for each other, through thick and thin. Keeping me in the dark only pushes us further apart. I want to be there for you, to support you. We can face whatever challenges come our way together."

Josh's shoulders relaxed as he listened to your words, his grip on your hand tightening.

"I know, and I'm sorry for shutting you out. It's's been difficult at work lately. The pressure is mounting, and I didn't want it to seep into our relationship."

A wave of understanding washed over you. You had witnessed firsthand the toll a demanding job could take on a person, but knowing that Josh was facing it alone made it all the more painful.

"Josh," you said softly, leaning closer to him, "we're in this together. I don't want you to face these challenges alone. He smiled, taking your hand back into his. You both drank the coffee that you had brewed and then decided to go to sleep. That night, Josh pulled you in a little tighter, cuddling into the crook of your neck as you both fell asleep.

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