Deaf (Josh Dun)

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You had known Josh since he was a kid. Josh had always had hearing issues as long as you knew him in elementary school. He couldn't hear well and more than half of the class would tease him to make him cry. You would let Josh cling to you on the playground while he quietly sobbed into your shirt as you rubbed circles on his back.

However, things got progressively worse in the summer before Middle School started. 

Josh was involved in a serious car accident which permanently deafened him. He nearly died, but you were there every day to talk him out of his two month coma. When he was finally able to come home and attend school properly, the kids were even worse to him than ever. Josh learned sign language, as did you, and had someone to sign everything the teacher said.

Though it frustrated the teachers, Josh's family couldn't afford special classes for him to attend.

When Josh and you made it to High School, Josh had bulked up a little bit and showed a tremendous interest in the drums. He would play all sorts of things. You always asked him how he knew what to play since he couldn't hear it and his reply was always 'You don't hear music, you feel it.'

Josh ended up pretty popular among the kids and especially the girls. Even when he sort of lost interest in you as a friend, you'd still receive a text now or again.

Josh got accepted into a performing arts school in Ohio where his family was from and they ended up moving back. You held it together while he was there, but completely lost it and wrecked your room when he left. Josh was the only thing you had going for you and you both had so many things to do and see.

Now they were just broken promises.

You never went to college, but you took a decent job as a barista at Starbucks. You were great at it. However, there wasn't a day that didn't go by that you missed that deaf ass Josh.

One day before closing, there was one final ring at the door. You, who were originally chatting it up withe your best friend, turned to the door to see Josh standing there. You paled over as if you had seen a ghost. He looked embarrassed, slightly shifting from one foot to another. He awkwardly walked over to the counter, his hand scratching the back of his neck.

'What can I get you Josh?' you asked the tall, yellow haired man. Josh shook his head as he cracked a smile. He pointed to you and signed 'Do you still remember this?' He was red in his face.

'Yeah I do.'

'You wanna talk?'

'I'm working Josh, but I'll be off in a few minutes if you wanna wait at a booth.' He nodded his head and sat down in one of the booths near you.

"Who's he?" your friend asked, winking.

"Josh, and old pal of mine."

"Is he-"

"Yeah, he's deaf."

When your shift was over, you removed your apron and walked over to him with a cup of coffee for the both of you. He jumped slightly, but silently laughed.

God how you missed his face.

'What'd you wanna talk about?' you signed to him.

'You look great,' he quickly signed and blushed, making you blush too.

'I try. You look amazing as always.'

You sat in silence for a few moments before you asked, 'Why're you back here?'

'I came back for you.'

Your mouth turned upward.

'Go on.'

'I'm sorry I abandoned you when you needed me the most. I'm sorry I broke every promise to you. I'm sorry I haven't seen you or talked to you in a few years. I was afraid of who I truly was.' Josh now had a faint tear streak running from one of his eyes.

'Well, who are you?'

'I'm gay and I have always loved you.'

"Josh?" you exclaimed, not that he could hear you.


'Really, really.'

'You're so far away though...' you began to sign, making Josh frantically sign back to you.

'No! I moved back a day ago and spent all day today finding you. I graduated from school and now that I know who I am, I wanna come back to you and pick up where I left you.'

'Josh, where do we start?'

'A date. Tonight, tomorrow? I wanna take you out.' You could see it in his eyes he meant it.

'Okay. If you run off again so help me Josh.' Josh silently chuckled again.

'Not today, not tomorrow, and not ever. I want to pick up like we used to be.'

'Okay Josh, where you wanna go?'


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